[@BlackSam3091] Anders dodged out of the way and slumped against a wall. The exhaustion from keeping that up kicking in along with the pain from the punch he received. He worked on breathing while he watched Faen fight the giant...thing. He had to admit he was impressed....but admitting that out loud would never happen. Anders made his way to where a pile of bricks were just in case one of the other two snapped out of it and decided to attack an already weakened anders. Anders looked up when his rescuer spoke to him, clutching his torso. [color=gold]"Could say the same to you"[/color] A glance at the bird thing and then the canine before he looked back at faen. Saying thanks was not quite as painful as asking for help...but that didn't mean he wanted to. [color=gold]"But.......thanks"[/color] He started to walk out of the alley very slowly before he paused. [color=gold]"The name is Anders by the way"[/color] With that he walked more out of the alley trying very hard to hide the fact that his torso was probably bruised to hell.