[b][u]Here is my relations as to Blaines perspectives, I do not often do relation posts so if anyone would like anything stricken or something seems far fetched please do tell me and I will change it up. Don't worry my feelings are unhurt able :) also bare in mind these are also part of my opening post I worked them in so their written out a bit.[/u][/b] [b]Casey Harrison[/b] as far as best friends go he would be it well at least to me, he was in fact one of the first I ever meant that didn't consider me to be an absolute freak or just another annoying smart ass talking about having intelligence and good looks. I guess that he saw beyond the petty attempts to hide the person I am deep down, because his humor was and is very much the same exact thing he uses to shield his own self. If there was anyone I truly related too it would be him, even though he doesn't prefer to talk of his past very much like me, I do know that he shares the same pain of loss and the pain of others cruelty towards himself. I remember our first meeting had been in the Magic Shop where he worked, I honestly never noticed him, I mean why would I, I never thought anyone would be my friend back then. But my particular interests in magic had drawn his attention somewhat, and when I weakly made a pencil levitate off the table for a couple seconds I suppose that was a rather interesting conversation starter. We didn't really hit it off though at first, it was more of a very awkward catching of eye's before I muttered something about chores and quickly booked it out of the shop. No it wasn't until a week later when we happened to cross the path of a rather nasty vampire that we found something to truly talk about. I guess in terms of keeping it short and sweet the rest is history for now at least. [b]Victoria Cross[/b] what could I say about her? I mean besides the fact that she gorgeous, yeah I know not gonna happen but still, well we meant purely through the fact that she worked at the coffee shop that was a stones throw away from where I did most of my magical studying in the magic shop. I never was much into coffee, I always preferred soda but on those long days following sleepless nights I often found myself drinking pitch black coffee while we made small conversation. As it turned out through a slip of the tongue on my part we actually had one thing in common right off the back and that was the supernatural. All be it like Casey her martial abilities far exceeded mine I also came to find she was very heavily into planning, research, knowing her foe inside and out before hand and that was something that I always liked about her aside from her kindness itself. I think the first time we actually bonded in anyway however was when we did research together, it was on two different things but if there was ever such a thing as bonding through knowledge that’s as close as its ever going to come. [b]Dana Griese[/b] another gorgeous girl however in this case if anyone was going to scare me somewhat it was her. Let me explain she is quite combative or in other words getting in a fist fight with her would not be in my best interest, at least when it comes to first impressions. I meant her through Victoria although I am still not sure if it was by coincidence or if they had been friends prior to that, I seemed to recall that she had a rather unique disposition of the clothing I was currently wearing at the time. Now I am no stranger to being insulted and I am definitely no stranger to snide remarks but I have to admit it was fairly refreshing for someone to critique my clothing over everything else, in fact it sort made me laugh. I had heard of the term fashion police but had never meant someone who actually fell under that term. I think it was safe to say aside from that small encounter that Dana was a rather nice person, a perfectionist in many ways but if she could handle my personality then I could definitely handle hers. In terms of us bonding and becoming friends I would have to say it would have been our small cat fights, or she insulted my clothing and I picked something on her and insulter her back, it always brought me a laugh although sometimes I think she wants to kick my ass. Perhaps I should find a job with medical benefits, future note for myself. [b]Adam Avery[/b] our towns secret agent or in other terms a name that often comes up when lesser minded jerks need something they don't understand to gossip about. Adam an me an actually meant before I had meant Casey, in terms of the very first person who didn't judge me on the fact that I had exotic tastes in magic. I had first heard his name through some rather pea brained jocks who happened to be talking about his family, gossip never really interested me but however when I heard he was a guy who could get you things that was what made me approach him. I think it was safe to say that me an him kind of hit off, Adam was often hit below the belt with gossip very much like me, it didn't take me long to realize that while people employed his unique services they often kept him at arms length and kept the rumor train chugging along. All that mattered to me however was Adam was able to get me some of the best items to further my magical research, and you could say that his attitude towards me in respects to my interests and my own attitude towards the fact that I didn't care about what people said of him or his family kind of brought up a little closer. Sometimes I wonder whats fact or fiction in terms of Adam, he is still as much a mystery to me now as he was back then, but all that really matters to me is that he has always been an up front and genuine person to me and even more so without his unique help I would not be progressing with my magical studies as well I am. [b]Danny McEllis[/b] the last one on the list but most definitely not the least in terms of good friends. I guess to start Danny grew up born and raised right in the same town as me, and very much like myself he didn't exactly grow up in a nurturing sort of life. I had seen him before, and if I recall exactly, which I do, me and him actually went to the same schools. Although I have to admit I never really approached him at the get go, he had always seemed rather mean hearted to me and for reasons I couldn't explain back then he had a rather foreboding feel to him. It wasn't until I started realizing that the feeling I got from was in fact heavily related to his magical abilities that I started to get to know him somewhat. It was around our middle school days that we would often play some fairly poor games of D&D with a couple other so called misfits. Sadly thought it took longer for us to be friends, his personality was always a bit edgy for my tastes, it wasn't really until I mistakenly meant him online and saw another side of his personality and realized who it was that I realized to my stupidity that we were more alike then not in terms of who we were on the inside as apposed to the outside. I suppose you have to be rather rough edged to live in a town like this, especially with others who are not as understanding about who you are. I feel our real bonding came from the fact that we are both in the aspects of magic, him more or less with an inept ability but none the less to me it was more then welcoming to find someone I could relate to on that level. I believe it would be safe to say that we are closer then most.