Bolin was testing the waters, not Korra. That had been the only part of Asami’s rant that Mako could argue, but pointing that out wouldn't bring Asami any kind of comfort. To cling on to that one, tiny detail would only show how weak his ground was to stand on, but anyone, even the most delusional of people, could see that he was in the tightest spot a man could be in with his girl. In her hands, Asami had the sole power to end them then and there. But she didn’t. It was late, she said, and at the mention of meeting her at the park, and of deciding things there, Mako felt the creeping sensation of dread across his skin slowly begin to retreat and make room for hope to take its place. While it was too soon to celebrate, he had imagined the worst possible scenario in his head. Meeting Asami at the park was perhaps the greatest gift she could have bestowed. It wasn’t a promise, but it was something better than letting what they had go. Before he could thank her or say anything more to express his gratitude and sincerest of apologies, Asami had brushed by him and his eyes had followed her to the grand staircase, followed by the rest of his body. [color=CD853F][b]“Good—“[/b][/color]he began only to silence himself partway through. Wishing Asami a good night after all this felt stupid of him to do, even if it was the kindest truth he had to give her this evening. But, as he watched her reach the apex of the staircase and disappear towards her room, he regretted not having the gumption to let her know it. With a pitiful glance at the ground he finally whispered, [color=CD853F][b]“Goodnight,”[/b][/color] before promptly leaving. When he returned home as prepared as he was going to be to confess to his little brother, Mako discovered him sound asleep and didn’t dare wake him up. Knowing Bolin, he’d be difficult to rouse from sleep without the aroma of food to beckon him back to the real world, so Mako settled for waiting until the morning after getting some sleep of his own. He didn’t sleep well; Korra’s words and his own were on a tedious repeat in the forefront of his mind, and accompanying them was the image of Asami’s eyes glossy and hurt. Despite that lethal combination, he somehow managed to get a decent amount of rest before waking up and preparing breakfast. When Bolin woke up, the same worry he felt before he confessed to Asami had locked arms with him once again for this next discussion. Mako told Bolin, albeit with much more ease than Asami, the truth of last night’s events; how he approached Korra, confronted her about an issue that didn’t exist until he butted in, and gave her the confirmation she needed to act on him. By no means did he put it on Korra alone. Rather than take that option, Mako was quick in expressing how it was on his shoulders for putting the pair of them in that position, and especially because he knew that Bolin had looked at her with stronger feelings than Korra seemed to understand at the time. No excuses. And Bolin being Bolin had forgiven him, even hugging him when all was said and done. Mako squeezed his brother tightly and thanked him for his forgiveness, wishing his brother well with sorting the Korra situation out on his end. Eventually Bolin left home to find work, leaving Mako alone to wait for dusk to come with a strong hope that Asami wouldn’t pull the plug on them forever… [center][color=6495ED][b][i]~-~-~[/i][/b][/color][/center] Korra didn’t exactly go to bed in the best of spirits, and it was expected to wake up feeling no differently. Bolin’s confusion and disappointment were painful for her to bear witness to. If she were going to be thankful for anything Mako did, it was breaking away from that kiss and walking off. No further banter, guess-giving, assumption-making. Just nothing. Walking away was the smartest thing to do, and it just figured that she was the one who didn’t take that action first. Mako being jealous of her for being happy around Bolin made so much sense at the time. Now, all she was concerned about was if she had not only misinterpreted Bolin taking her out, but also Mako’s goals in approaching her. [color=6495ED][i]‘Maybe he really was just worried about Bolin,’[/i][/color] Korra thought to herself, seated alone in the arena lobby. It was gradually becoming packed as the time of the match drew near, and neither Mako or Bolin had shown up yet. It served her right to do this alone, but a timely glance towards the entrance had given her sight of Bolin just as he entered inside. She couldn’t help but smile, weak as it was. Despite how things ended between them yesterday, there was still comfort in his appearance. Maybe he wasn't too upset with her after all. [color=6495ED][b]“Bolin!”[/b][/color] she called out with a wave of her hand, hoping to grab his attention. [color=6495ED][b]“Hey, so… just us two?”[/b][/color]