Sorry for the sudden silence, started working yesterday and it has been sapping a lot of my energy. These might get tweaked a little later, and are of course made with all of the information [i]I[/i] have regarding Victoria so not [i]everything[/i] will necessarily be clear, but they're mostly done. Drop me a PM if there's anything anyone wants/needs to discuss. [hider=Relations] [b]Adam:[/b] Formal. Not in the sense of unnecessary trappings to the conversation, but in the sense that every interaction is one with a purpose. They all, as well, more or less follow the same loose flow. Pleasantries. Whatever it is that she needs. Adam’s price. A few more pleasantries. Done. That isn’t to say that they are unfriendly with one another, but their relationship is largely professional. This is due in part to Victoria’s caution; Adam has his secrets, and he is welcome to them, but they prevent her from being truly open. Nevertheless, there is a degree of trust. Not the trust from close friend to close friend, but more that of a professional to a professional. Victoria has faith that Adam will be able to acquire, and acquire discreetly, what she needs for a fair price. The service is invaluable, and enough to keep her favor in and of itself. [b]Blaine:[/b] Friendly, though Blaine’s demeanor can sometimes try her patience. His more cerebral approach to matters of vampire slaying tend to skew closer to her own perspective than that of the others, something that has helped her get along with him. Both are most inclined to hit the books when a new threat arises rather than leap into the fray, and as a result they have worked together to locate information in the past. His magic is also something of a curiosity for her, though not one she dwells on for very long. Their friendly speaking terms do not exempt him from her secretive nature, however. The redirection from her secrets is likely to be less brusque than it might be with others but it will still happen. Even their shared awareness of the supernatural came from an error on his part rather than any initial admission on hers. That said, Victoria [i]does[/i] count him as a friend and one of her closer ones in Washington at that. [b]Casey:[/b] Another friendly relationship, though much more complicated. Not in their interactions; Victoria is as friendly to Casey as she is to Blaine, and due to how much time he spent at the coffee shop rather than his home she actually met him first. They were already acquainted as barista and regular customer before their mutual interest in monster slaying was known. She still sees him regularly at Halifax Coffee, in addition to the group’s… Extracurriculars. Definitely the person she is most familiar with in Washington, even if not the person she is closest to. Through her passing familiarity with the general nature of his home life, she empathizes with Casey regarding the death of his father. Not something she ever comments on, nor intends to, but it strikes a note of understanding. His passionate crusade against the supernatural, on the other hand, seems to make her marginally uncomfortable though she keeps it to herself. [b]Dana:[/b] A good friend of Victoria’s, even if it seems a little odd from the outside. The two regularly partake in extended mutual silences, something they find quite comfortable rather than awkward. Where one goes the other is seldom far, though their friendship is frequently marked by amiable bickering regarding fashion among other subjects. She is the only member of the group privy to Victoria’s history, a confidence she trusts the Japanese girl to keep. Even if they don’t always see eye to eye the two get along very well. [b]Danny[/b]: Danny… Perplexes Victoria. Something about her clearly does not agree with him on a very personal level, but she cannot fathom what it is. It used to stymie her understanding but it has eventually become something she simply accepts. In her own way she means it as a gesture of respect. Something about her bothers him, so naturally it is something he would not appreciate her prying into. So she doesn’t. That said, she treats him with the same civility and friendliness as anyone else. He hasn’t done anything to earn her irritation or enmity, so she’ll simply treat him with an arm’s-length respect despite his own opinions. [/hider]