[center]Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/ENigw79.png[/img] Name:[color=f49ac2] Nikki Hyatt[/color] Age: [color=f49ac2]22[/color] Gender: [color=f49ac2]Female[/color] Personnel Classification: [color=f49ac2](D Class for roleplay players)[/color] Personality: [color=f49ac2]Nikki is soft hearted, but it is buried underneath a toughened and somewhat sarcastic exterior. She is often upbeat and is protective of her friends and family. She is willing to do whatever it takes to survive. Nikki is also very stubborn. She is her own person and she doesn't like being bossed around.[/color] Likes: [color=f49ac2]Twizzlers, puppies, manners, dancing and men not necessarily in that order.[/color] Dislikes:[color=f49ac2] Being held captive and people being assholes[/color] Skills: [color=f49ac2]Nikki has studied martial arts since she was a child. Her uncle was a third degree black belt. She can fight.[/color] Biography: [color=f49ac2]Nikki grew up living with her Uncle Garrett. He was her mother's brother and was the nearest relative after her parents were in a deadly car accident. She was only 7 when it happened. He was 25 when they were killed and he taught her to use her anger and pain by channelling it into martial arts. It helped her deal with a lot of things. Nikki got suspended from high school twice for fighting and she was banned from one of the local restaurants for assaulting a waiter. She doesn't know how she got to this cell and she oddly can't remember anything for the last two years. She wants answers and she wants to get out of here.[/color][/center]