Gonna post tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm going to post theme songs for all of the currently active characters in the rp. Or at least I was, seems like it's getting late and I'm having difficulty thinking of songs. Davis "Perfection" Gallo: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL5P7MlXX4I&ytbChannel=Wizdavision%20Productions]"From the New World"[/url] Davis is hard to nail down, because he's going through a sort of metamorphosis. However I think this instrumental captures the intensity of his character. Tekhartha Mondatta: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_DKWlrA24k&ytbChannel=Mountain%20Apple%20Company%20Inc]"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" ukulele[/url] The monk's idealist way of living can probably be achieved somewhere over the rainbow. It's peaceful and nostalgic. Krista Noelle Müller: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08NlhjpVFsU&ytbChannel=DisneySingItVideos]"Bare necessities"[/url] Krista's current mood is a bit sour and blue, but the song, much like the character herself, is uplifting and all about overcoming despair with sheer force of personality. Cyrus Brandon: (It's late) Daimyon Londe: (it's late) Shaun Ellen: (it's late) Mary Hanson: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GW1W9tttU8&ytbChannel=descentsubs]"Party Junkie"[/url] Mary is a party junkie. Or at least she should be. I mean, she acts like one. Caora Uan Artzain: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf0oXY4nDxE&ytbChannel=AerosmithVEVO]"Dude (Looks Like A Lady)"[/url] Obvious Calvin Parker Ibbott: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR7QWkpVT2A&ytbChannel=yihka]"Motor head"[/url] The song is an instrumental that mixes Hard rock segments with not-so hard rock segments. Much like the character, who's always a bit on edge and isn't too difficult to set off. (The songs past this point are based on very little input, as I haven't had much of a chance to gauge the characters) Bliss Buckly: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwLLH9EZiqc&ytbChannel=Lhin%20Lalitha]"Barny's I love you song"[/url] This is a joke... Probably. Noel Amalia Hawthorne: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSZIej-ZraE&ytbChannel=Dave%20Classique]"Funkey dealer"[/url] I see our pushy reporter having a bit of an intense vibe, and I can see her pushing for that scoop like our funkey dealer pushes for a sale. Lucas Carsen: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YvAYIJSSZY&ytbChannel=RockwellVEVO]"Somebody's wathing me"[/url] I've got a feeling, Lucas is watching me. Marianne Eniola Roche: (It's late)