[i]No one ever has this much interest in my drawings. For all he knows, they can be complete shit. And to have an interest in me? Very suspicious. I am definitely not being alone with this guy. Okay, time to switch gears here.[/i] Stopping her stroll, she turned to face him completely. “Actually, I remember passing by a common area as I was walking to the dormitories. Why don’t we try there? A nice, open area. As for food and drink? Please, allow me to treat you. It’ll definitely be a good way to show off my ‘talent’.” She used the term ‘talent’ with mimed quotation marks. She found herself wondering what he was or what his power was. He had to either have some sort of ability or was nonhuman. She had a hard time believing that a normal everyday human would come here without kicking and screaming. Humans were dicks like that. So, there had to be some sort of catch to him. She just had to figure out what it was. [@GarlandDaHero]