Well I recently beat persona 5 and it inspired me quite abit to make an rp but before i really go into detail felt like I'd post something here to see if anyone would be interested in the first place. As someone whose played since revelations persona for the ps1 I have seen everything the series has to offer and I'd love to make an rp based upon the series I have so much love and respect for. Anyway my main idea is honestly and AU of Persona 5 so it would have the same antagonist and follow a similar plot but with of course a different cast of characters and a new protagonist. If I piqued your interest ill give a better outline here be warned of spoilers. Okay so it'd start with Igor talking to the protagonist and informing him (or her) of the coming ruin and of course they'd take it like oh just a weird dream and wake up notice an odd app on their phone and likely attempt to delete it this of course would fail. Then at some point throughout the day the app would turn itself on and send them straight to the first palace (how will depend on the protag). Then honestly would play out similar to persona 5 get locked in a room get nearly executed and awaken to a persona. I have more but you likely get the picture it'd have all the same target's and bosses but for different reasons then the game and with everyone else's character replacing various characters from the game I will imply the games cast is present but they wont do anything just exist asides the protagonist he's just nonexistent in this AU just replaced with whoever becomes this RP's protag (likely my character). Anyway that said most arcana will be available for you if want to make a character just ask me first. but I will ban judgement,world and fool. Currently taken/reserved arcana. Fool devil or emperor Star Moon