[@BubblegumQueen] Captain Delaney was at the helm on the quarterdeck, overlooking those on the maindeck with quiet sympathy. He cast his gaze back to the burning kingdom, already a distance off as the ventured further and further out to see; he held no loyalty for the kingdom and was indifferent to it's end, but he could not say the same about it's inhabitants. How many had they left that they could have saved? If only they had stayed a little longer, looked a little longer... He forced himself to look back at the maindeck, at who he [i]did[/i] save. Most of his crew, a handful of civilians, and... he huffed quietly in anger. The royal family. How utterly disgusting that they survived. Maybe if he'd kicked them off, more civilians could have boarded in their place. More of his crew could have survived. The captain handed the wheel off to one of the crew as he ventured down to the maindeck, and sat down casually on the deck near Beatrix. [b]"I hope I'm not distracting you from your reading, ma'am, but I believe I know you. Didn't you own the bar near the harbor?"[/b] he asked, his voice gruff but his tone gentle, hoping not to startle her after such a tragedy.