[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi40YmYzZjYuVTJWeVlYQm9hVzVoSUVGa1lXMXouMAAAAA,,/precious.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/3d74f750a23aa8970e7ec588de2f422e/tumblr_inline_mmewu64b8y1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center] [hider=Seraphina Adams - Abandoned Hope Version][hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=lightblue][center]Seraphina Adams[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/2/2d/1423513270_anna-kendrick-zoom.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151121175940[/img] [b][color=lightblue]"Theres always a truth in something.[/color][/b][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=lightblue][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=lightblue]Name:[/color][/b] Seraphina Virginia Adams [b][color=lightblue]Aliases:[/color][/b] Sera, or Seraph [b][color=lightblue]Age:[/color][/b] 36 [b][color=lightblue]Birthday:[/color][/b] September 30th [b][color=lightblue]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Caucasian [b][color=lightblue]Birth Place:[/color][/b] New York City, New York [b][color=lightblue]Place of Residency:[/color][/b] None as of yet? [b][color=lightblue]Hometown[/color][/b] New York City [b][color=lightblue]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=lightblue]Highest Level of Education:[/color][/b] Law degree. [b][color=lightblue]Occupation:[/color][/b] Private Investigator/former police officer [b][color=lightblue]Languages:[/color][/b] English, French & Spanish [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/e580ae953faf37b8216a40b8b6c933ac/tumblr_inline_mrpd05PxzI1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=lightblue][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=lightblue]Height:[/color][/b] 5'6 [b][color=lightblue]Weight:[/color][/b] 127 lbs [b][color=lightblue]Body Type:[/color][/b] Slender [b][color=lightblue]Eye Color:[/color][/b] Blue [b][color=lightblue]Hair Color and Style:[/color][/b] Brown [b][color=lightblue]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Lightly tanned [b][color=lightblue]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Ears pierced [url=http://creativefan.com/important/cf/2012/07/angel-tattoos-for-women/angel-guardian-tattoo.jpg]an angel tattoo in between her shoulder blades[/url] [b][color=lightblue]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Sera usually is seen wearing tshirts, or blouses and either jeans or sometimes a skirt. If she is in a formal setting she is usually seen in a fairly nice looking black or red dress. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=lightblue][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=lightblue][center]Caring * Paranoid * Protective * Sarcastic[/center][/color][/i] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/1d0b9fcea410a2f4bd52897e59f9219b/tumblr_ntd0adjZKW1u4oxmmo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [b][color=lightblue]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Lesbian [b][color=lightblue]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=lightblue]Personality:[/color][/b] Seraphina is usually seen as a fairly friendly person once you get to know her, she likes to get to know others around her as much as she can. It takes quiet a bit for her to get angry, she also is a very patient person and doesn't get stressed out as much. She can at times be very sarcastic with her comments at times, though it's just her way of joking around with those around her. Though Sera does at times seem very paranoid as she sometimes hears voices around her, but she always just simply waves it off like its nothing as she has gotten used to them growing up. Seraphina though will never mention it to anyone and hates it when someone thinks that she is weird. Whenever someone does anger her however she will glare at them and will always just give them the finger and she will yell out to them, or say how it is. Whenever Sera is nervous she always will just try and avoid eye contact as much as possible and her voice will sometimes shake when she is upset. [b][color=lightblue]Habits:[/color][/b] Sera will play around and pull at her hair whenever she is nervous or if she is stressed, whenever she is angered she will always glare at the person. Whenever she gets bored Sera tends to play around with her fingernails as well. [b][color=lightblue]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Seraphina has always been a fan of music, she will sometimes sing whenever she is listening to some music. She also likes to dance as well, and always likes to go and volunteer at an animal shelter and take care of some of the animals there. [b][color=lightblue]Fears:[/color][/b] [list][*] Being alone [*] Heights [*] Thunderstorms[/list] [b][color=lightblue]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Cats/kittens [*] Music [*] Dancing [*] singing [*] Helping out others [*] Reading[/list] [b][color=lightblue]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Assholes who treat people that she cares for poorly. [*] Thunderstorms [*] Snow [*] Loud sounds [*] Bugs [*] Liars[/list] [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m94ozmyfL71qmqi32.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=lightblue][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=lightblue]General Skills:[/color][/b][list] [*] Driving [*] Cooking [*] Investigations [*] Law [*] Dancing [*] Singing [/list] [b][color=lightblue]Combat Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Handguns [*] Knives [*] Boxing [*] Rifles [/list] [b][color=lightblue]Day to Day Belongings:[/color][/b] [list] [*] State ID [*] Wallet [*] Money [*] Credit Card [*] Car keys [*] [url=http://files.harrispublications.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2015/04/Citadel-M-1911-45-full-size-661x496.jpg]1911 handgun[/url] [*] 2 clips for the handgun [/list] [b][color=lightblue]Possessions Kept at Home:[/color][/b] Supplies, things of note, special belongings—things beyond basics (i.e. things like butterfly collections, shot guns, bibles, computers, and so forth) [list] [*] [url=http://carreleasedates2017.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/2016-ford-mustang-gt350-.jpg]Car[/url] [*] Suitcase [*] Spare clothes [center][img]http://ell.h-cdn.co/assets/16/10/1457704085-anna.gif[/img][/center] [/list][hr][hr][h3][b][color=lightblue][center][i]History[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=lightblue]Life Before The Apocalypse[/color][/b] Seraphina was once an angel actually, however she was cast out due to her disobeying the others. She was sent to Earth and reborn as a human, however she does not remember any of this Sera's mother was a simple waitress while her father worked at a hotel as a receptionist. Growing up Sera lived a fairly normal life, though she has always heard these voices however she has never once admitted it to anyone. Throughout high school Sera was always there helping out with her friends with their problems, that's when she decided that she wanted to become a police officer. After she graduated from high school Sera went to college and studied law there, and after that she applied for the police academy in New York City which she graduated from. Sera was on patrol one day that is when there was a robbery at a convince store she was asked to go there, she did and the man ended up opening fire on her. Seraphina managed to shoot him as well, but she was shot herself she ended up losing consciousness and woke up at the hospital a day later. Since that encounter she decided to leave the force, though she still wanted to help people so she ended up becoming a private investigator taking on cases from simple unfaithful spouses to doing somethings for lawyers in their cases. [b][color=lightblue]Life Leading Up To the Apocalypse // What Brings You to Altsoba[/color][/b] As word of the apocalypse started to happen the voices had started to constantly mention Altsoba which was also the center of most of the news around every news station. She was curious and also the voices kept mentioning it over and over forcing her to just drop everything that she was doing and decided to head to the town and figure out what was going on there. [hr][hr][h3][b][color=lightblue][center][i]Additional Information[/i][/center][/color][/b][/h3] [center][img]https://secure.static.tumblr.com/f16e6e485df8f2e37b36589b81094c9b/c8h5hd1/rWhnqgv6i/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_cyu7e96mmqogwws0cwc44888c_640.gif[/img][/center] [b][color=lightblue]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVejHemQ_FQ]Exhale - Amaranthe[/url] [b][color=lightblue]Deviances:[/color][/b] She can hear the voices of angels. [b][color=lightblue]Extra Information:[/color][/b] Ever see the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies, they can talk man. :P [color=red]I agree to follow the rules for this RP and understand that if I do not follow the rules, the GM or Co-GM may kick me out of this roleplay.[/color][/hider] [hr] [hider=Seraphina Adams - Horrors of Coventry Version] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=lightblue][center]Seraphina Adams[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://resize.indiatvnews.com/en/resize/newbucket/740_-/2016/11/anna-kendrick-1479284179.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=lightblue][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=lightblue]Name:[/color][/b] Seraphina Virginia Adams [b][color=lightblue]Aliases:[/color][/b] Sera, or Seraph [b][color=lightblue]Age:[/color][/b] 37 [b][color=lightblue]Birthday:[/color][/b] September 30th, 1979 [b][color=lightblue]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Caucasian [b][color=lightblue]Birth Place:[/color][/b] New York City, New York [b][color=lightblue]Residence:[/color][/b] Room 308 [b][color=lightblue]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=lightblue]Major/Minor:[/color][/b] Law Degree [b][color=lightblue]Occupation:[/color][/b] Private Investigator [b][color=lightblue]Languages:[/color][/b] English, Spanish [hr][center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/26e057a8b60a564e6e3c3317b21db096/tumblr_mmwezjJoLq1sp9fcho2_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=lightblue][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=lightblue]Height:[/color][/b] 5'6 [b][color=lightblue]Weight:[/color][/b] 127 lbs [b][color=lightblue]Build:[/color][/b] Slender [b][color=lightblue]Eyes:[/color][/b] Blue [b][color=lightblue]Hair:[/color][/b] Brown [b][color=lightblue]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Lightly tanned [b][color=lightblue]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Ears pierced, two bullet wound scars one near her stomach, and the other in her left shoulder. [url=http://creativefan.com/important/cf/2012/07/angel-tattoos-for-women/angel-guardian-tattoo.jpg]Angel tattoo in between her shoulder blades[/url] [b][color=lightblue]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Sera usually is seen wearing tshirts, or blouses and either jeans or sometimes a skirt. If she is in a formal setting she is usually seen in a fairly nice looking black or red dress. [hr][center][img]http://media3.giphy.com/media/FrvZAwn4w8H5u/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=lightblue][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=6ecff6][center][color=00a651]Caring[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Paranoid[/color] * [color=00a651]Protective[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Sarcastic[/color] * [color=00a651]Loving[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Abrasive[/color][/center][/color][/i] [b][color=lightblue]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Lesbian [b][color=lightblue]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=lightblue]Personality:[/color][/b] Seraphina is usually seen as a fairly friendly person once you get to know her, she likes to get to know others around her as much as she can. It takes quiet a bit for her to get angry, she also is a very patient person and doesn't get stressed out as much. She can at times be very sarcastic with her comments at times, though it's just her way of joking around with those around her. Though Sera does at times seem very paranoid as she sometimes hears voices around her, but she always just simply waves it off like its nothing as she has gotten used to them growing up. Seraphina though will never mention it to anyone and hates it when someone thinks that she is weird. Whenever someone does anger her however she will glare at them and will always just give them the finger and she will yell out to them, or say how it is. Whenever Sera is nervous she always will just try and avoid eye contact as much as possible and her voice will sometimes shake when she is upset. [b][color=lightblue]Habits:[/color][/b] Sera will play around and pull at her hair whenever she is nervous or if she is stressed, whenever she is angered she will always glare at the person. Whenever she gets bored Sera tends to play around with her fingernails as well. [b][color=lightblue]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Seraphina has always been a fan of music, she will sometimes sing whenever she is listening to some music. She also likes to dance as well, and always likes to go and volunteer at an animal shelter and take care of some of the animals there. Fears: [b][color=lightblue]Fears:[/color][/b] [list][*] Being alone [*] Heights [*] Thunderstorms[/list] [b][color=lightblue]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Cats/kittens [*] Music [*] Dancing [*] Singing [*] Helping out others [*] Reading[/list] [b][color=lightblue]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Assholes who treat people that she cares for poorly [*] Thunderstorms [*] Snow [*] Loud sounds [*] Bugs [*] Liars[/list] [hr][center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/64580c72e22a3cdc5618ce68493165ce/tumblr_inline_mhnzf6FgTF1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=lightblue][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=lightblue]General World Skills:[/color][/b] [list][*] Driving [*] Cooking [*] Investigations [*] Law [*] Dancing [*] Singing [*] Knowledge of Necromantics [*] French [*] Sixth Sense Seraphina has an eerie awareness of the Supernatural, spotting what others might not take a second glance at.[/list] [b][color=lightblue]Combat Skills:[/color][/b] [list][*] Handguns [*] Knives [*] Boxing [*] Rifles [*] Kick Boxing[/list] [b][color=lightblue]What Is On Your Person:[/color][/b] [list][*] Clothing - [url=http://trendyoutlook.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/winter-jackets-for-women-1.jpg]Winter Jacket[/url], [url=https://guideimg.alibaba.com/images/shop/105/02/11/9/fox-racing-prestigious-henley-womens-long-sleeve-shirt-black-white-xs_1335059.jpg]Long sleeve shirt[/url], [url=http://ep.yimg.com/ay/yhst-79187215592273/women-s-antique-silver-rose-buckle-one-piece-full-grain-leather-casual-jean-belt-1-1-2-wide-63.jpg]Belt[/url], [url=https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/dc0c54fa-3d66-4d1e-a309-3841bed31ea8_1.9d1ab67b86646175c28a50d388d5cf82.jpeg]Jeans[/url] and [url=https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1_geoNVXXXXcOaXXXq6xXFXXXb/Hot-Selling-Genuine-Leather-Winter-Knee-High-Boots-For-Women-Botas-Femininas-Fashion-Women-High-Ridding.jpg]Boots[/url] [*] Purse/Wallet [*] 50 bucks [*] New York State ID [*] Seraphina's Private Investigator Card [*] Car Keys [*] Extra clip for the 1911 [*] [url=http://www.springfield-armory.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/PI9126LP_1200x782.png]1911 handgun[/url][/list] [b][color=lightblue]Residence:[/color][/b] [list][*] Suit Case [*] Spare Clothes [*] [url=http://www.laptopmag.com/images/wp/purch-api/incontent/2016/03/MSI-GT72-Dominator-inline.jpg]Laptop[/url] [*] [url=http://www.bigwormgraphix.net/images/mustang/2012-gt-blk-red-dual-lrg.jpg]Car[/url][/list] [hr][center][img]Character Image[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=lightblue][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=lightblue]First Necromantic Encounter:[/color][/b] During the Altsoba Massacre Seraphina was about to enter the town after following the voices in her head there. There she met a woman named Sylvia who at the time she thought was a normal person, she was actually a witch. While the two of them talked outside of the town for a bit near the large pile of dead bodies, she saw a little boy there, who was the antichrist. But she didn't follow after who she thought was a little boy into the woods, thinking it was to dangerous to even follow him. The two of them entered the town where Sera bumped into another woman named Katsumi who was fighting a person who had been risen from the grave, she lost her handgun there and the three of them were shot. Sylvia and Katsumi sadly weren't as lucky and died from their wounds, eventually she bumped into the man named Trevor and then headed to the Altsoba Church. Luckily there was a doctor and the bullet was extracted, then sometime later Lucifer himself possessed Amy Chang the woman who extracted the bullet from her shoulder. Seraphina and who else ran out of the church and then two others came in, one of them died killing Amy Chang/The Devil while the other went in for the kill stopping the apocalypse. [b][color=lightblue]Life Before the Altsoba Massacre:[/color][/b] Seraphina was once an angel actually, however she was cast out due to her disobeying the others. She was sent to Earth and reborn as a human, however she does not remember any of this Sera's mother was a simple waitress while her father worked at a hotel as a receptionist. Growing up Sera lived a fairly normal life, though she has always heard these voices however she has never once admitted it to anyone. Throughout high school Sera was always there helping out with her friends with their problems, that's when she decided that she wanted to become a police officer. After she graduated from high school Sera went to college and studied law there, and after that she applied for the police academy in New York City which she graduated from. Sera was on patrol one day that is when there was a robbery at a convince store she was asked to go there, she did and the man ended up opening fire on her. Seraphina managed to shoot him as well, but she was shot herself she ended up losing consciousness and woke up at the hospital a day later. Since that encounter she decided to leave the force, though she still wanted to help people so she ended up becoming a private investigator taking on cases from simple unfaithful spouses to doing somethings for lawyers in their cases or the occasional serving some court papers. Then she started to hear the voices more then she did, as strange news stories started to happen across the world she did her best to try and ignore them. Until she just couldn't stand it anymore, she took her keys and decided to head out to Altsoba to find out what was exactly going on there. She spent the next week or so driving across the country to Altsoba to find out what was exactly going on there. [b][color=lightblue]Life Since the Altsoba Massacre:[/color][/b] Life after the Altsoba Massacre Seraphina before was working with a PI agency before deciding to open her own in the Manhattan area of the city, using her own apartment as her office. After finishing up a case Sera was locking up her apartment, to her surprise she found a street kid a girl by the name of Emmie. The girl had a knack for the PI business already helping her with a client by finding out where her missing son was. Seraphina eventually got the paperwork and decided to take Emmie on as her legal guardian and watching over the girl closely, she eventually one day found a letter from Aloise one of the survivors from the Altsoba Massacre. Sera took the warning and remained low due to her being a fallen angel, however she has been looking more into what she actually is along with other Supernaturals or Necromantics what O.M.E.N. calls them knowing to stay away from them as much as possible. [hr][center][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DGEJbSbjC-4/Vd6JyZggqtI/AAAAAAAAjZU/BoYqEnW-dus/s1600/Maura%2B%2528Anna%2BKendrick%2529%2B%25282%2529.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=lightblue][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=lightblue]Character Quote:[/color][/b] [i]There is always a truth in something."[/I] [b][color=lightblue]Deviances:[/color][/b] Seraphina is a fallen angel, she can hear other angels speak to her or to others that are nearby [b][color=lightblue]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrRkLW39kR0]Exhale - Amaranthe[/url] [b][color=lightblue]Anything Else:[/color][/b] The Shining & [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/129848-abandoned-hope-concluded/ic]Abandoned Hope[/url] [sub][color=ed1c24]*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.[/color][/sub][/hider] First Appearance In: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/129848-abandoned-hope-concluded/ooc]Abandoned Hope[/url] (Completed) Second Appearance In: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/159317-the-horrors-of-coventry/ooc]Horros of Coventry[/url] Status: Inactive (TWD version coming soon) Other Info: Is a Fallen Angel Other Relations: Adoptive mother to Emmie Adams.