[center][h2]Delaying Foes Unknown[/h2][/center] As "Uriel" went to take off, a barrier created by a rune appeared in her path. [color=black]As commander of the Hellguard, leaving the White City before Hell's Vanguard has attacked would see Uriel locked out and marked a traitor. Show us your true face, demon."[/color] Had this pretender not had a tainted air about her, and Zarrath not arrived, her deception would have worked. But her luck had not been so great as that. When she turned to face him, Shadowsteel would be free of it's sheath, the runes along it's length glowing with magic. [color=black]"I've spent many centuries under Uriel's command and know her well. It was an admirable effort though."[/color]