The barrier was nothing that Lily could not break through if she wanted to, but for the moment it still made her stop, preventing her from getting out of sight. She had truly hoped that she could go through with her deception. However, the convenient arrival of this... The words "arrogant child" came to mind, caused the entire thing to crumble. She wasn't averse to violence, but fighting with these Angels here and now only allowed Sevrin to get closer to the seal uncontested. He was the Dangerous one - the one demons and angels alike should be wary of. On some level Lily could perfectly understand why the Troublemaker had called her out, but on another Level it vexed her greatly. People called demons evil, the only thing and their mind being destruction and corruption. But so often the angels were just as bad if not even worse than demons. The mindset one of extreme xenophobia - If you were not one of them, you were not good enough. Perhaps she was getting too annoyed, as thinking about how annoying angels were was not a prime concern at the moment. She turned around to face the katana wielding angel, spending just the moment to shout over her shoulder, in a tone that brooked no argument: "Fenn, Souta. [i]Stay. Put!"[/i] When she looked at Zarrath again, all pretence of being Uriel was gone, the disguise melting away in a matter of seconds - leaving Lily he had been just prior to her disguise, arms crossed over her chest. "You're making a grave mistake, Angel. It is true that I am not Uriel, but my warnings and information is the truth." She nodded towards the two angels that have been in the ambush. "Those two were among the ones that ambushed that. If you want to blame someone for the death of their comrades, blame them for they were the ones who struck first. Nevertheless-" she looked back to Zarrath "-We are here on business on behalf of the Charred Council. We seek the seal to bring it under the protection of the Council and prevent a premature beginning of the End War. There is also the demon wielding the Yamato. We were following his scent when we were attacked. I do, genuinely, advise that you spread the word of his presence. Even at just a fraction of his true power as he is now, he is still a threat to all of us." She let her arms fall to her sides, her pose seemingly relaxed and unafraid, but fries spoke of a different story: Wary. "If you leave now, no harm will come to you. But if you insist on fighting me, you invite death upon yourselves." She gave a pointed glance towards the survivors off their previous engagement. "Your choice."