[center][h2][b]Lady Grim[/b][/h2][/center] The Fortress City of Clarm appeared like a burning haze on the horizon, the towering columns of smoke giving away its position long before the Grim Company came into view. The Commander Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Count of Lanistark rode at the head of the long winding column of stern faced soldiers, none of whom showed any surprise at the sight before them. This was, after all, a fighting force who had not seen peace in ten year, they had lost friends and lovers, they had conquered cities and strongholds that made the crude stone fortresses of Formaroth look like children's toys, they were warriors, and they were the best. The Count of Lanistark, assigned to guide the Grim Company to the siege, had found himself instead being led. Even in friendly territory the Grim Company had scouts ranging far and wide, ever sweeping the landscape before them, and ever reporting back to their commanders. The Count glanced sideways at the man who rode next to him. Commander Tokugawa Ieyasu, second only to her Ladyship, was a bull of a man by any standards. Like many of his soldiers he wore a finely cropped beard, kept his hair neatly combed and braided, and bathed frequently. His weapons, The Count noted, were of the finest quality and The Count had seen the Seikastsu steel cut cleanly through a Formarothian blade and breast plate. The Seikastsu soldier caught the Counts gaze and grinned. He was almost the polar opposite of the Lady Grim in his mannerisms, friendly, approachable, and generous in his praise. "Your duties are nearly at end my Lord Count." Tokugawa was ever polite to the Count, though the Count had come to realize that all soldiers of the Grim Company were painfully polite no matter their true feelings. They wore the politeness like a mask and Tokugawa had told him this was the way of the Seikastsu people. "Aye, indeed. Though I shall be sorry to go. I have enjoyed this journey." The Count said honestly as he glanced up the roadway to where the Lady Grim rode alone, as she usually did, her red hair billowing in the wind that drove the smoke of the burning city towards him. He had been unable to help it, despite the coldness and aloofness of the woman he, like so many thousands of men before him, had fallen in love. He could not miss the rage that drove her, nor ignore the stories of the horrors she had meted out on men she found defiling women, but he found he did not care. Tokugawa followed his gaze and nodded in understanding. "You are not the first man to have said as such, nor will you be the last. Her Ladyship is a woman we all love and respect. Her enemies would be wise to add fear to that list." The Count did not doubt that for a moment. He had watched her engage four of her own Samurai in a practice bout during the march South with nothing but an ashwood staff while they wore full armour and carried real swords. On her nod they had bowed and then attacked with furious war cries and the Count watched appalled as they actively attempted to kill their own Commander. He had almost gone forward to put a stop to it when Tokugawa, who was standing next to him, had placed a restraining hand on his shoulder. "When you are told to spare with the Lady Grim you do not hold back. She does not reward weakness." The Count had remained rooted to the spot and watched in amazement as she disarmed, and then downed all of her opponents in short order. She helped each man to his feet afterwards and bowed to them all. They all returned the bow with smiles on their faces, each one dipping lower and more formally than she did. The respect was clear. "My Lord Count." The sound of her voice, almost musical to his ear, brought him abruptly out of the memory and he found himself staring into a pair of smokey blue eyes and an unsmiling face. "My Lady Grim?" "Will you be accompanying us to the City or do you intend to return home at once?" She asked with a brief wave towards the burning skyline which backlit her like some hellish halo, the red flame of her hair almost matching the fire of war. "I was ordered to bring you to the city and make an introduction to Lord Manshrew. If your Ladyship will allow it." He could not tear his eyes from her face, nor did he want to. He had been unable to describe her when he wrote home to his father, finally saying only that she was captivating. "Excellent. My forward scouts have made contact with the Manshrew outriders. Please make your way forward and ensure we are greeted as friends. We will wait here for you." The Count nodded and bowed as he had seen the Samurai do. She returned the bow with a curt nod and then rode off down the line, calling out to the men to halt and rest easy. The Count straightened up and caught Tokugawa watching him with a curious smile on his face. "You do that rather well for a Southern Barbarian, my Lord Count. Have you been practising?" Realizing that the Samurai was teasing him The Count laughed and waved his bodyguard forward. "Maybe, my Lord Tokugawa. I suspect that if I have been born on another continent I would have very much enjoyed it. Your customs are very strict but I can see the wisdom in them." Tokugawa's eyes sparkled. "You do not need to be born there, my lord. Her Ladyship is proof enough of that. If you ever tire of your way of life then come and find us. I will ensure that we find a place for you in our ranks." The two men exchanged bows and the Count kicked his mount southward to where he could see several Manshrew scouts watching them from a ridgeline.