Relations post from Casey's perspective and I can change anything if needed. [hider] Blaine “I really didn’t get to know Blaine very well until a year or so ago when he started frequenting the Magic Cauldron. Sure, I knew who he was and we had gone to school together for a while but I always thought he was a ‘I’m better than everyone’ type of loner when it turns out he was a ‘everyone else thinks I’m a weirdo’ kind of loner, you know my kind of people. Anyway, once I saw him floating that pencil I was sure he was my sort of weird, then we ran into each other on a vamp hunt and after that we became quick friends. Turns out we’ve got a lot in common, couple of smartasses with less than ideal home lives and a fixation on the supernatural. He can be kind of a know it all, I mean dude’s probably an actual genius, but he also thinks he’s better looking than me so he can’t be quite as smart as he thinks he is. Seriously though, Blaine’s a good friend and it’s hard to believe he was struggling to float a pencil about a year ago, now he’s on his was to being a full blown badass. It’s good to have a wizard in the lineup and if someone in gang was going to be that powerful I’m glad it’s him, Blaine’s one of two people I trust completely.” Victoria “Well, I wouldn’t say I know Victoria all that well but she seems cool. She can kick some serious vampire ass and I’m always glad to have a friend with coffee connections. She’s definitely someone I’m glad is part of our group but she’s not an easy person to get to know. I mean I get it, I certainly don’t like talking about the shittier parts of my personal life but for someone I’ve been fighting side by side with for nearly a year I feel like I know almost nothing real about her. Sure, I’ve noticed that she’s way more cautious than I am, she’s all about research and knowing one’s opponent and I’m more of a hunt ‘em, kill ‘em, and be done with ‘em kind of guy. I guess it’s good to have someone with some caution and a head for research around, I know I can be more on the reckless side. I would say she’s friendly while keeping people, or at least me, at a distance, but also kind, smart, and dedicated.” Dana “You know with most of the others I kinda know why they fight, but with Dana and Victoria I don’t know why they’re out there risking their lives for a town that’s not even their home. Maybe it’s for the adventure of it, the excitement, the feeling of doing something heroic or maybe it’s just because they’re good at it and doing something your good at and doing it well is rewarding. Dana, in battle, is a force to be reckoned with and I’d hate to be on her bad side. She’s not someone I know too well either, but I trust, for the most part, that she has my back in battle. I have to say my day doesn’t quite feel complete without her letting me know how bad my outfit clashes, or how hideous my shirt is, or some other way I’ve failed in the fashion department. I can be known to give people a hard time so I don't really mind the ribbing, don’t dish out if you can’t take it, right.” Adam “Adam and I have sort of a complicated friendship. I would definitely call him a friend though, even if his background and family are more than a bit suspicious. Weird stuff first, his family is very secretive, the whole town knows it and just about everyone has their own theory, I’ve shared more than a few with him but he’s not giving any hints. I think my prying has gotten annoying so I’ve put that on pause for now, plenty of other weird shit going on around here to quell my curiosity for now. I also know Adam deals with supernaturals as well as humans, not sure if that’s just witches and the like or real evil like vamps and demons but his preference for staying in gray areas somewhat concerns me. I don’t think he’s a bad guy though and I don’t get any vibes from him that actually give me the wiggins. I like hanging out with Adam, not just for his connections to weapons, the oocult, tech, and dank green but because he’s a cool dude to talk to, smoke with, and to just kick back and play the latest game.” Danny “Danny and I go way back, back to the second grade when he broke Garry Robeson’s nose, magically, with a soccer ball. Garry was a bag of dicks and I was ecstatic to see him finally get some karmic retribution. In fact, that was the greatest thing I had ever seen happen as a kid, well at least until I discovered what was on Cinemax well after my bedtime, but that’s a totally different story. Anyway, I was sure Danny was either gonna be a superhero or a jedi so obviously, I had to be friends with him. Man, I am seriously lucky to have Danny as a friend, on those nights when I needed a roof more substantial than a tent he always let me crash at his house. We spent a lot of time gaming, raiding the fridge, and looking out for each other when it came to bullies. He’s a good dude, I mean I guess we all kind of are right, risking our lives fighting monsters for a town full of people who only think of us as weirdos and freaks that’s true white hatting right there. Danny’s the other person I totally trust and I think we make a good team; he’s got a superpower and frozen pizzas and I’ve got sarcasm and sketchy intel from the dark web. You know after all this I kind of feel like the Hawkeye of our line up but I guess it had to be somebody right.” Mr. Peirce “Literally nothing about this dude adds up. Okay like the way he dresses, his clothes are fancy and pricey and no way a public-school librarian makes enough to spend that much on actual fancy pants. So is he rich and if so why is he working as a public-school librarian. Next why are there so many weird books in the library and why is he never surprised or concerned with our collective weird and supernatural interests. Also, I get a really weird feeling about him, not like he’s evil or something but that he knows more than he lets on. My current theory is that he works for the government, some kind of super-secret agency that keeps track of weird goings on and supernatural events like the X-Files. I’m going to figure out what he’s up to eventually, it’s kind of my side project since Operation What’s the Avery Family Into has been paused so that Adam doesn’t get too annoyed with my curiosity.” [/hider] I'd also like to add a gif from Buffy's greatest episode. [img][/img]