[hider=Khun][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qf5vAD9.jpg?1[/img] [h1][img]http://i.imgur.com/1r19h2e.png[/img][/h1] [sup]"I've already lost my arm, no way I'm losing my head."[/sup][/center] [color=aba000]NAME[/color][indent]Khun[/indent] [color=aba000]AGE[/color] [indent]Fifteen[/indent] [color=aba000]GENDER[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=aba000]PLACE OF ORIGIN[/color] [indent]Gekkō[/indent] [color=aba000]APPEARANCE[/color] [indent]With below average height, pale white complexion, and a scrawny physique, Khun was quite the specimen and the envy of every male in the slums. His erratic, onyx-colored hair often is wrapped around and partially hidden by whatever piece of cloth he gets his hands on. However, what makes him a cut above the rest is his impeccable taste in fashion. Nothing said style like tattered, baggy mustard-colored pants that he wore for days on end. He usually paired this with stained, white sleeveless shirts or blouses. Khun's footwear of choice came in the form of his bare feet; nothing felt more comfortable, or at least that's what Khun keeps telling himself. Also, he only has one arm; no one really cares though.[/indent] [color=aba000]PERSONALITY[/color] [indent]Khun is a selfish guy, no need to hide it. Anyone growing up on the streets will tell you that the first lesson you learn is to trust no one and to look out only for yourself. He enjoy the usual vices - drinking, gambling, women, and the rest. You only get one life, and the chance of it ending or turning for the worst the next minute is more likely than you think. However, this doesn't mean he's not a likable person. Especially if you he's bought a meal or drink. Just don't expect him to go out of my way to have your back. Being realistic about these things is what he does best. Always trust a drinker to drink, an killer to kill, and a coward like Khun to run away with his tail between his legs.[/indent] [color=aba000]SKILLSET[/color] [LIST][*] [abbr=Khun is agile, light on his feet, and skilled at squeezing into tight places. Slipping by unnoticed and keeping his mouth shut are second nature to him.][i]Master Slum Rat[/i][/abbr] [*][abbr=Years living on the streets of Gekkō have made him street smart and years working all around the city have given him a wide array of skills in various forms of menial labor. He can sweep floors, shine shoes, cook stew, and do a bunch of other worthless things. ][i]Jack of All Chores[/i][/abbr] [/LIST] [color=aba000]WEAKNESS[/color] [List][*][abbr=What most would consider as weaknesses, Khun sees as facts he chooses to ignore instead. Given his poverty-stricken upbringing, acquiring a formal education was never an option. Mental prowess, literacy, and worldly knowledge were definitely things that Khun lacked.][i]Uneducated[/i][/abbr] [*][abbr=At the age of seven, Khun was caught stealing from a noble. He was set free, but they kept his left arm.][i]Handicapped[/i][/abbr] [*][abbr=Let's just say that most of the life-threatening situations Khun gets himself into stems from his curiosity.][i]Curiosity[/i][/abbr][/List] [color=aba000]HISTORY[/color] [indent]The morning was humid as usual in Gekkō. Khun took a sip from his gourd, some foul concoction brewed by the local boys that helped ease the numbing pain of their daily routines, and let out a heavy sigh. Though he took odd jobs all around the city in order to support his day by day lifestyle, cleaning Lord Hazad's manor was the one he found he took most often and hated the most. He often thought about stealing something from the Lord's lavish collection of foreign arts, but he knew getting caught would mean certain death for him. First and foremost, he was a coward, so he kept content with a sigh and a fit silent swearing, relegating the idea of stealing something and leaving the godforsaken town forever to his fantasies. Even if he did muster up the courage and manage to accomplish it, where could he actually go? He had few friends, none outside of the city, and certainly none that dealt with the buying and selling of stolen art. He would be on the run for a day? A week? A month? Some uncertain but probably brief amount of time living in fear of being caught before actually being caught and punished horribly. It was a fool's dream. [color=aba000]"Feh. Can't believe this stupid painting could feed a someone for a lifetime..."[/color] Khun began his daily ritual of complaints before dusting the area around Lord Hazad's greatest treasure, an original work of the painter Giradelli. It took him about three heartbeats to realize that the painting was, in fact, missing and another three heartbeats to realized that he was truly and thoroughly fucked. [color=aba000]"Oh god. What do I do? The Lord will think I stole his stupid fucking shit painting. I'm so fucking dead, I am. Of course this would happen to me!"[/color] Khun frantically paced around the room trying to decided what to do next, because what was next was probably a painful death. He panicked further when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Was Hazad home already? No, it wasn't him. The whispering voices that Kun was hearing were unfamiliar. These were probably the thieves that stole Hazad's treasure. Should he try to capture them to prove that he didn't steal the painting? No...they sounded dangerous and armed, and even if he could somehow subdue them, Hazad was likely to just execute him for good measure for even being involved. That left one option... Through the tightest of corridors, trash-filled alleyways, and collapsing rooftops, Khun hastily made his way to the only person that he could seek out help from. Out of breath and panting, he found himself inside one of the most infamous taverns within the confines of Gekkō. The lack of rowdy cheers, lifeless bodies, and broken stools confirmed his assumptions. Surrounded by a drunken crowd, sharing another one of his grandeur tales of adventure, was an acquaintance of Khun. Squirming through the sweat and ale doused patrons, Khun made his way towards his old friend. Stumbling in front of him while catching his breath, Khun smiled. [color=aba000]"Hey there, Zeph..."[/color] Khun said before passing out.[/indent] [color=aba000]AMBITIONS[/color] [indent]To escape Lord Hazad's wrath; so basically avoiding death. What happens after that? Khun hasn't really gave it much thought yet. He'll worry about that when the time comes.[/indent] [color=aba000]INVENTORY[/color] [List][*][abbr=Wooden, durable, and usually tied around his waist]Handheld Drinking Gourd[/abbr][/List][/hider]