[indent][indent][b]AXON [/b] Interaction [@Pirouette] [hr] Loneliness. It is a momentary sensation felt when locked within a Cybermancer deprivation pod. It is a commitment, no, a sacrifice never to be taken lightly. Captain Angela knows this. It's why she goes out of her way to ensure that he is properly taken care of. Axon's human essence is fed the appropriate nutrients, bathed within the supplemental fluids to sustain nourishment. The wires surgically placed into his central nervous system are constantly tested, and the Cryptum security systems those lines are jacked into are always scanned for potential Toliath malware. This tedious upkeep is a vital routine that helps keep Axon tethered within the Cryptum, enabling him to access a wide berth of cyber systems across the galaxy. The ultimate hacker who has paid the ultimate price... Axon felt the weight of Delilah as if it were an extension of himself. The recent addition of warm bodies scuttling throughout the ship felt like tiny insects across his skin. Dozens of holographic windows were displayed before him as if he were on stage, looking out into a sea of information that was his audience. At the flick of his wrists, or wink of his eyes, those holographic windows stepped forward to present everything and anything. This was all within Axon's mind, the projected theater of imagination where any construct can take form. While surveying biometrics of the crew, he was scanning communications for possible Toliath outposts, and plotting courses for possible star map locations. Not to mention that he was also serving as a tour guide for the stowaways, splitting himself off into different pieces answering a multitude of questions. One particular stowaway had caught his interest. An artificial, ALI, had summoned his name. He appeared before her like a holographic phantom, smiling affectionately as she presented her question. [i][color=00aeef]"I concluded that you are aware of what I am. How do organics perceive an artificial intelligence? I have limited experience outside of a carefully guarded compound and by initial account, Toliathian existence has lead to distrust of sentient machinery. Do you believe this to be true?"[/color][/i] "Yes, ALI, but it ain't cause of prejudice or anything like that." Axon nodded his head. "The Tolathian swarm code did more than just disable cyber systems across Ignatius. Artificial Intelligence Units, the driving force for automated commerce and security for many star clusters became instantly compromised, turning against their makers under Tolathian influence. By the time Cybermancers like myself were able to quarantine the damage, reports of system wide massacres nearly overloaded our data banks. But, there were some AIUs that managed to combat the swarm code. They were heroes, ALI. Many of them sacrificed themselves to save as many people they could before the Tolathians invaded, saved people like me..." Axon stared at ALI's expressionless face and felt compelled to give her a better answer. But before he could formulate the words, an alert notification winked into his mind theater. He quickly accessed it. An encrypted message marked with a peculiar signature, one that only a Wayshielder could make flashed before him. Axon's eyes widened. "Forgive me, ALI. My attention is required elsewhere." He said. "Please meet at the lounge if you'd like to be assigned as a crew member. I'll be more than happy to continue this discussion with you at a later time." And with that, Axon's image disappeared. Not just with ALI, but everyone else he was being a tour guide with. [hr] [b]Sir Jukton [/b] Interaction with [@Utrax] [hr] "W-what? I did break the ice. Right?" Sir Jukton frowned, questioning himself and thinking way too hard than he should at the string of sentences the T'kossi put together. "Maybe I've been saying this wrong. I ask for your companionship. Not sexual companionship. We Obek like to call it a bondshake. I help you, you help me. Understand?" Whether or not the T'kossi agreed, Sir Jukton had already made the decision for her. He shook his head, tipped the edge of his tricorn hat and did a curtsy. "It is settled! The bondshake has been made. The companionship will be honored until death!" The Obek swung off of the seat cushion and gave her leg a big hug. The embrace was long. Too long. When he finally released from her, he jumped back onto the seat cushion, hands on his hips in a confident stance. "Anything you need, I will try my best to give." He flashed his fanged smile. His expression immediately turned into a sheepish one when he realized he hadn't even properly introduced himself. Per Obek tradition for committing such a buffoonery, Sir Jukton slapped himself across the face, hard. "Fire tits of Volgani! Forgive my ill-mannered self. I am Sir Jukton of the Shimmerstain Vale, former Gladiator Champion of the Tukan Gauntlet, and former Space Pirate of the Bumbling Baboon. Please honor me with your titleship, bondshaken!" [hr] [b]Captain Angela Abetchi [/b] [i]Location: Lounge[/i] [hr] Angela Abetchi stormed into the lounge. She told Axon, who appeared from thin air, to cut the music as she whistled for everyone's attention. Gone was her moody frown and in its place was a look of motivated concern. "Listen up, everyone!" Her trio of eyes blinked rapidly. She had on a red leather jacket with eyeballs that looked similar to her own, patterned all over the fabric. "We're making a quick stop over at the Vetrasis System. We received a distress signal from a group of survivors that need our help. I'm going to need volunteers, anyone with any combat experience. There's a possibility that we might have to put boots on the ground for the extraction." "Vetrasis?!" Ukima threw her hands up in frustration. "That system is swarming with Toliath forces! Why put ourselves at risk for a group of survivors?" "Because they have children." Angela said softly, perhaps the softest she's ever spoken to the stowaways. "And we're going to need them if we want to get to Paradise Planet." There was an unspoken agreement between the two. For once, Ukima had nothing to say. Angela stepped forward, nodding to everyone in the room. "I'd like to personally thank you all for volunteering. This will help make things a lot easier for us. Axon has briefed me about your roles on board the ship. I'm here to tell you that I'm not picky. We're all in this together now, so just make sure you pull your weight. Grab your stuff and get situated in the crew's quarters. If I were you, I'd get familiar with whatever part of Delilah you'll be maintaining. Axon will answer all of your questions." There was something clearly bothering the Captain. She seemed distant, lost in thought, and it wasn't until Axon cleared his throat did she snap out of her trance. "Anyone with combat experience that wants to help us with the extraction, meet at the armory in the hangar in two hours. That should give you enough time to get settled." The Captain barked. "You're all dismissed." [@Kessir Tarkin] [/indent][/indent]