[@HereComesTheSnow][@Write] [B]Teàrlag Cirsium - Armoury[/B] She was the Survival teacher's sister? That explained why the two lasses looked so similar. Not that I knew Ms. Nuit (or 'Stella', if the kid's right) that well, but they told us about her at one of the teacher meetings. I don't think we do bugger-all else beside stuff that like that, really. It's mostly for appearances so that folks don't start complaining that we don't do enough admin. But anyway, I guess these brats have some other stuff going on. Might be time for me to skedaddle serenely away. "[color=d8bfd8]I won't keep you too long then,[/color]" I say to the black-haired brat. "[color=d8bfd8]I'll give you the rest of the details on your Scroll later.[/color]" The wonders of technology made communication so much easier.