Name: Srin Odessa Designation Number: ES-3201 Age: 22 Gender: Female Homeworld: Metellos Appearance: Srin is a slim and short girl with pale, almost porcelain-looking skin as a result of her upbringing on the planet-wide cityscape of Metellos. Her hair is short, messy black hair shorn into a rough pixie cut, just barely within Imperial regulations. Her facial features have often been described as predatory, giving her an air of constant focus. Her thin black eyebrows point towards the bridge of her nose, and her light blue eyes are constantly looking around. Srin's nose is fairly plain, rather small and pointing neither up or down. Her cheekbones are set fairly high and her chin tapers to a fine point. The most recognisable feature of Srin is her left arm which, from the shoulder down is a prosthetic replacement. It's nothing too high tech looking, possibly speaking to her financial background. She likes to leave the casing off to tinker with it in her spare time. Attributes: Hot-headed, fearless, confident, technically-skilled, yet careless and arrogant. Also has trouble communicating at times. Personality: Srin Odessa is supremely confident in her abilities as a pilot, but that confidence borders on overconfidence and carelessness at times. She rarely fears things but sometimes it seems as though she might be hiding some secret anxieties or self-doubt. Srin can be hot-headed at times but rarely gets truly mad at someone. Biography: A former hotshot swoop racer from her homeplanet of Metellos, Srin was a locally-renowned pilot, famous for her highly aggressive style of racing; one that landed her in serious accidents many times, the worst of which left her lacking an arm. However it only fueled her drive to become the best swoop-jockey on the city-planet. Unfortunately her family was killed in an attack the Empire deemed "an act of terrorism committed by the largest threat to galactic peace since the Jedi Order." They were of course referring to the so called Rebel Alliance. Srin spent a few months drowning in strong alcohol before she finally enlisted in the Academy. The former swoop racer found TIE fighters to be remarkably similar to swoop bikes, only in space and with stuffy instructors blaring in her ear the whole time. Nonetheless she scored top marks on most technical and tactical exams, although her people skills were found to be somewhat lacking at times. Her lack of social ability disqualified her for atmospheric close air support, which requires constant interaction with ground troops and whatnot, however Imperial Command was eager to make use of her skills as a pilot and assigned her to be a pilot for the ISD [i]Emperor's Shadow[/i]. Srin Odessa now flies for the Empire with an ever-present lust for thrills and need for speed, but tempers it with a fire that burns for her fallen family back on that dirty hab-block on Metellos.