Routine had become a part of Adam's life, some would say that his parents would approve... If only it was the routine they wanted for him. Although the night before, Adam came close to honoring the wishes of his parents by going into the thick of the battle against the supernatural. Except he also came close to losing his life and possibly whatever blood he had in his body. Adam had sworn that he would never get involved in the personal business of those who come to make a purchase but he was willing to make an exception. He felt closer to the group he had hung out with the night before than any other student in the school, heck, he was hoping he could have made some friends. You'd think that coming close to death's door would have had a negative impression on Adam but he viewed it as a blessing in disguise. The girl that saved their asses, Adam had a pretty good clue about who she was but he had to confirm his suspicions before he announced them to the group. The idea quietly cooked in his head and he appeared to be shiftier than ever when he first came into the study room. He remained silent for a while, his face serious and the constant looks over his shoulder suggesting paranoia. However it only took a short while before he settled down and allowed himself to speak. "So dudes and dudettes, I have a new policy." He stood up from his chair, his face serious and stern. "No leading the party man of the party van into a giant death trap, sound cool to all of you?" There was something else, much more urgent on his mind and you could swear it was written on his forehead because Adam's poker face was not in top form.