Now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off a bit, the bag, heavy with everything they put in it, was really starting to hurt him. As such, when Rose made him put down said bag, Leon quickly obliged. He watched intriguedly as the girl systematically took out exactly what she needed. Well, at least she seemed to know exactly what she was doing, something that Leon couldn't really say about himself. Sure, he tried to look all experienced and stuff, but all of that was just stuff he learned from movies; or, to be more precise, what not to do in a crisis situation. Well, look what all that brought him; he'd been bitten by some kinf of crazy crossbred wolf-dog monster, was on the run for a murderer with a god complex, and his favourite shirt was ruined! His somewhat bizarre train of thought was interrupted when Rose turned at him, her expression far more serious than Leon had ever remembered seeing her in. 'I'm sorry', the girl told him as she carefully removed the bloody cloth. [i]Sorry? Sorry about whaARGH![/i] All of a sudden, Rose decided to be a whole lot less careful, practically ripping the cloth off of his arm. Leon couldn't help but yelp, both due to the surprise and the pain -- said yelp was quickly followed by a whole string of moans meant to surpress less than pretty words. Sure, he'd read somewhere that removing bandages quickly rather than slowly causes less pain, but you'd figure that Rose could've at least warned him! Before he could actually protest though, she shoved the ruined shirt into his hands, telling him to squeezeit if it hurted. Well, of course it hurted, what did she expect? He wasn't about to protest though, since Leon did realize that Rose was trying to help him. He just hoped that she would be a little less rough about it... After this initial rough treatment, the girl's actions became far more gentle. Leon could tell that Rose was trying to be careful, yet still her treatment hurt quite a bit -- not in the least because this was the first major injury Leon had incurred in his life. Sure, he'd cut and grazed himself a couple of times just like about everyone else on the planet, but nothing quite like this. Through jagged breathing, he clenched his teeth and squeezed the fabric so hard that drips of blood were forced out of it, trying his very best to keep his arm still so that Rose could help him. Even after she was finished, it took a short while before his breathing had calmed down enough for him to be able to think rationally again. Rabies. That would be very, very bad indeed. He didn't really know what would be better at this point; being stuck in the middle of nowhere and possibly being infected with a disease that, if left untreated, would likely kill him, or being trapped in some kind of virtual reality that might not have an actual effect on his real body. Then again, if The Matrix was to be believed- no! No thinking about what happened in movies anymore! He shook his head, then looked at Rose. "...Thanks," he muttered, his face still pale from the recent pain. At first he tried to hold out his right arm for her to shake, put a sharp jolt of pain caused him to quickly change his mind and held out his left arm instead -- not thinking about the fact that it was still red from the bloody cloth. "So... didn't you say that this tunnel is supposed to lead to a forest?," he continued, motioning at the dead end with his head. "Did we take a wrong turn somewhere?"