Name : Logan Age : 48 Abilties or powers : regeneration {faltering} Claws, Senses are heightened, expert hand to hand fighter, good with weapons {doesn't enjoy guns} personality : Kind, understand, Smart, Loyal, Calm, Brave, harsh, Stern, protective History so far : He had been doing drug games with people for the last few years till he ran into a young runaway girl named Laura. Feeling the same feeling he did when he had meet Rouge long time ago he took the girl in. Learning that she is his biological daughter he found himself protective of her. His goal now, take down the organization because no child should be used as a weapon. Picture : [img][/img] Name : Xavier Age : 65 Abilties or powers : telekenisis, reading minds, lifting objects personality : Kind, Sweet, fatherly figure, gentle, intellegent History : Professor X has been traveling around the world though handy cap it rarely stops him. He often searched for mutants that needed help and helped teach them about their powers and how to use them for good. he got a strange signal though and now headed to Texas where he meet up with Logan and now his child. He is trying to see as much as possible in his old age and always takes a shining to understanding situations more then fight first. Picture : [img][/img] Name : Mystquie Age : 34 Abilties or powers : Shapeshifting, Hacking, Hand to hand battle expert, Expert flirt personality : A sweet yet rough around the edges lady that has a harsh tounge with those she doesn't trust. She is proven though to be kind and sweet to those she trusts and would die to defend family or friends. History : Took up a job in the small Texas town where Logan worked his drug dealing. She often acted like a nurse or a undercover agent if he should need help. She found herself attached to the small girl when she came into the picture and she took wishes to take down the organazation. She is a mutant and she is very porud of it. Picture : [img][/img]