[@Burning Kitty] Firstly, at no point did I ask Princess to violate any rule of Roleplaying. You control your character. I would never ask her to take control of your character away from you and force them to do something without your permission. But the DM controls the rest of the world around you. You take an action, the DM decides the consequence of said action, that is pretty much the DM's entire role in the game. E.G. Action: You threaten a Senator. Consequence: You get stunned and taken in for questioning by said Senator's armed guards. I don't have a problem with how you're playing your character. My problem is that you just made your character walk up and cockslap a senator in front of an armed entourage and then expected to just walk away. That's not how the world works. Also, you aren't a legally recognized member of the Mandalorian Government. You are the Star Wars equivalent of Islamic State. You are a group of extremists that usurped the legally recognized government and overthrew it, then declared yourself a state. Even if you aren't Death-Watch, you are a member of the Extreme Mando's that want to go back to the old ways, which the majority of Mandalorians don't want to happen. Mandalore is inhabitted primarily with the pacifist Mandalorians. Centuries ago, the planet was rendered damn near uninhabitable by the constant waring of your style of Mando. Maul and the Death-Watch ruined everything in the eyes of the people. Quite frankly, i'm pretty sure that, at this point, they'd be begging the Republic for aid in ridding the Death-Watch and all Honour Warriors from their planet. To see it from their point of view, you have just threatened to re-ignite the Death-Watch fiasco all over again, so they are going to want to nip this in the bud. At the very least, they are going to politely ask you to come in for questioning. Politely being "Please come with us, sir. If you refuse, we will use force." Also, on what planet is "Any occupation force will be treated as an invading army and slaughtered without mercy then we will come for you and eliminate you." not a Terrorist threat? This isn't me trying to be an asshole, this isn't me trying to control how the roleplay is going, I think it's going fine. Only reason things slowed down was due to my shitty internet troubles. I was going to post last night, but I was shattered and I have spent all day visiting family. My point is: "Don't walk into one of the most heavily defended buildings in the Galaxy, threaten someone, and then expect to walk away without any consequences." If you want this to erupt into a glorious battle which he manages to escape from, I am 100% a-ok with that. If you want to prove that you are a badass motherfucker that can take on the entire republic single-handed, that's your perogative and if the DM says that's ok, I will be all onboard for that. Just please accept that actions have consequences.