[hr][center][img] http://i.imgur.com/ZaQGoxd.png[/img] [sub][@Mr Allen J], [@Zombiedude101], [@tsukune][/sub][/center] [code]Dove Rally | Regal Square, Prince Ed-Field_[/code][hr][hr] It had been a while since Rori had been in such large crowds of people. Well, technically speaking, they weren’t in the large crowd. They were flying above it. Being in the form of a common (American) robin was inconspicuous enough. They looked like a much more normal bird than they did a human. All birds had wings, most humans did not. The only problem about being a bird was that they couldn’t make the most of the free food on offer. Or take part in any of the various games going on. It was a bit of a shame but that wasn’t why they were here. They had plenty of food at home (and could even cook without burning it now!) and had no chance of winning any prizes. Rori was out with the goal of trying to spot anyone that they knew. Flying above the crowds, and their accurate eyesight, would help with that. After all they’d been back in Baybridge for a month or two now and were itching for some form of social interaction. Though still in contact with the friends they had made when they went to school it wasn’t the same when most lived on the other side of the country. They hadn’t talked to a living person properly in a while. It only made their house all the lonelier, as much as it was filled with the sounds of music until late at night. Flying was getting a bit tiring, though. They’d have to land soon and go in on foot, or just head home. It was difficult to figure out what was the more appealing. Though if they were going to be in crowds of people anywhere a DOVE rally would be the place. As much as there were anti-metahuman sentiments they were less likely to get outright attacked at this kind of event. Not that that made navigating copious amounts of people with giant-ass wings attached to their back any easier. What a pain they were. Rori was almost close to just giving up and taking a human form to enjoy at least the free food when smoke blanketed an area nearby, forcing them to move up higher. Was it an attack? Forcing themselves to look down they couldn’t really tell what was going on as the smoke began to clear. Confused, they swivelled in the air. Time to head home, it seemed. Wait a minute. Walking away from the scene was a girl – well, woman they guessed – that was all too easy for Rori’s sharp bird eyes to recognise. The other three with Wendy? Rori had no idea who they were. But they didn’t particularly care. Smiling internally Rori pulled in their wings and dropped towards Wendy and the other three.