Yes, the character sheet is left extremely broad, I think that it allows people to structure their characters differently, if that makes sense. Name Age Physical Description Character Description History (original post edited to contain character sheet) Name: John Hannah Age: 27 Physical Description: John is a skinny, scrappy looking guy, with lazily spiked black hair. He likes wearing wears zip up hoodies, and never goes anywhere without several necklaces and eight or nine charm bracelets, each with a religious or occult symbol of protection. Character Description: John grew up deeply rooted in punk rock culture, and as such is often abrasive and aggressive. He's gotten into a lot of fights, but that's just taught him how to take a beating. For reasons John keeps to himself, he cannot be possessed, nor his mind controlled (technically though, you could control his body). John has extensive knowledge of magic and the occult. History: John grew up in Seattle, his family on welfare. He was essentially given free reign to go where he wanted, and at age 16 started sneaking into the nearest bar to his house, a small punk bar called "Skin". It was there that he met the person who would drag him into the world of the occult, a charismatic cult leader who tried to induct John, but rather than becoming part of the cult, John ended up sneaking into and spying on the meetings, and studying up on the demon they worshipped. He started drawing various symbols of protection on his arms in sharpie, and reading up on more and more different types of mysticism. Finally, age 19, he managed to sneak into the last meeting, where they where meant to summon the demon. John doesn't talk about what happened there, but after that he started personally investigating cases of paranormal activity, usually finding nothing of note. When the story starts, John is working as a cashier at a 7-11, having found nothing worth looking into for months.