[center][h1][color=6ecff6] Sidney “Sid” Baker [/color][/h1][b]Location:[/b] Versailles Housing[/center][hr]Sidney crawled out of her bed, much earlier than usual, she then slowly got dressed still half asleep. She opened up her window to see the town of Versailles which is where she now resided and had resided since the beginning it always is beautiful in the mornings, which is always sort of ironic because of the tragedy the world has gone through. The sun hit her face and she blocked her eyes with the hand while she pulled the curtains back over the window in order to continue getting ready. Sidney finished getting dressed, used some of the little bit of makeup she had left and grabbed her camera while she walked out her door. Sidney was lucky, once she arrived at the town most of the hard work for the walls had been completed and the necessary jobs were almost all filled. So when she was getting assigned a position and the only job she previously had was a grocery bagger it seemed like the council didn’t know what to do with her. But one of the council members decided to let Sidney choose a role, of course, she answered that she could take pictures, which lead to more grumbling from the council. But again the same council member told her she could me the modern historian, her role was to document everything that happened in Versailles for the future generations. Of course, Sidney loved it and was from then on taking pictures of nearly everything, mostly to try to make that council member proud of his decision. She made her way to the Town Square and spotted the exact councilman that gifted her with this job, Gresham. Sidney saw he was talking with one of the Ahn brothers, so she just gave him a big smile and took a picture of both of them walking. Besides, there were more important duties to attend to right away such as the Girl that just arrived covered in blood, who should still be in the infirmary getting checked out. As Sidney started to make her way over to the infirmary she noticed some guards rushing past, and nothing is more interesting than armed guards going to check something out. Quickly she grabbed a guard she recognized named Trent. [color=6ecff6]”Hey Trent, where’s everyone going?”[/color] She asked a little too intensely. He stopped and gave her worried look, “Apparently, there was some kind of break on the south side.” After that, he pulled his arm away from Sidney and began to catch up to his unit. Of course, Sidney chased after too. Once she arrived, the break in was sort of disappointing, it was only a few that managed to dig through some soft spots on the wall. The intruders were already covered up by some sheets and were getting removed. Now the patrols were just defending the workers who were welding and fortifying the damaged portion of the fence. Sidney still felt uneasy about this situation, sure it showed quick response time and high awareness but it also showed that the defense we had is not impenetrable. [color=92278f]”Sid!”[/color] An angry voice yelled behind her. Sidney turned around like a bullet to just come face to face with Angie, the police officer whose badge meant nothing any more but still scared the crap out of everyone if they were doing something wrong. Sidney didn’t verbally respond to Angie instead she just stared straight into her eyes with a guilty face. [color=92278f]”You know better than to show up at an active breach area. Anyway don’t you have to document the arrival of the new girl? You should go do that before someone else catches you around here beside me.”[/color] Angie said scolding to the quiet girl. [color=6ecff6]”Sorry Angie.”[/color] And with that Sidney grabbed her bag and started to make her way to the infirmary.