[@Cinderella Man][@Raddum][@Bornlucky] So beacuse i'd have a bad conscious of it later due to something im doing in the rp for my character everyone is allowed to have on of their characters say their friends or aquinated with upto 2 of the canon characters since everyone but the original protag and morgana will exist. Also beacuse i plan on having the characters have social link/confidants so makes it easier to be like oh for two of this persons they just basically did the events of one of the canon characters. My main reason is i intend for my character to have an implied romance with Futaba at some point also beacuse her palace will be present in the rp but not quite the same example her moms alive in the rp's universe just hospitalized this will be explained later and what it did to the 4th palace aswell but i'll say this it will be nothing like the game. (before you ask it isn't just beacuse Futaba is my favorite p5 girl i thought through ideas and how the palaces will work and i ended up deciding her's in necessary.)