[hider=Nark][centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/HhGG5iU.png[/img] [hr][b]Richard Michels[/b] aka [b]Nark[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] demi-demon [b]Powers:[/b] Mimicry: Nark transforms into a shadow-like mini-version of any identifiable form around him, retaining any visual powers they posses. Nark cannot copy anything/anyone he does not currently see and can only use attacks he has seen (and remembers) from copied persons. [b]Abilities:[/b] Not the most acrobatic kid in the world, but plenty of energy to move when he needs to. Don't expect him to participate in the flying trapeze. [b]Equipment:[/b] Nope. He's good. [b]Personality:[/b] Richard is a pretty chill, but outgoing kid. He rushes into things for the enjoyment of them, giving little to no thought in advance. He's always up for a challenge, so long as the challenge is kept at a friendly level. Grudges are not ok, but a little rivalry is good for motivation. He also has a thing for flare and comedy. The last one able to stop him dead in his tracks with laughter at a moments notice; while the first can send him down a hole without care of how much trouble he will end up in. Richard isn't so much the joker himself, though he may try, rather so much as he can find the most basic of jokes hilarious no matter how many times he's heard the same number before. His dramatic passion falls opposite, going out on limbs constantly while merely appreciating other's attempts. He might join you thematically, but he's in it for his own fun. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Richard got bored one day and began reading some old books about our great lord and savior Trigon. As the idea of a cultist festered in his minds, idle hands did the devil's work and before he knew it he was attempting to summon the great man himself. Not that he had any idea what he was doing; Richard proceeded, substituting this for that until the last word left his lips. Then, sitting in the middle of the circle, Richard was soon showered in light. Perhaps he wasn't supposed to use himself as the catalyst. What ever he did wrong didn't seem to matter anymore as he was no longer just himself. Along with his change in appearance, he had gained a voice that threatened to take over his body. Richard had since dubbed this voice 'Carl'. Carl isn't the nicest, but has learned to keep quiet deep within his mind. Richard has thought of ritual-ing away this Carl, but he didn't want to risk his new powers to go away with him. Together Richard, now calling himself Nark, and Carl set off on an adventure, eventually landing in Rush Hills. His new power obviously sending him into the world of being a hero. Crime and villainy being second on his list, at Carl's suggestion, should things get boring or unfavorable. [b]Arc Ideas:[/b] Confront Carl? Build the Ultimate Pizza? Shun the Non-Believers? Tell others of our great lord and savior Trigon? [b]Other:[/b] His pertinently voided out new skin tone with thick white outline. Thats not his costume, thats his new skin. Carl: the disembodied voice in Richard's head that has taken up residence. -he doesn't like Richard much, but finds him too annoying to deal with him further.[/centre][/hider] I welcome all feedback xD Let me know if the power is a no go. The no energy manipulation rules out magic and the like, though ki-energy seemed ok by you. If the power is a no go, would you mind something a long the lines of Raven's power or perhaps being a walking bag of holding? (infinite storage of nonliving matter xD - might need to change his equipment on that one though) --- Tried to go with, conceptually, the neo versions of characters as for his current power. Like Dark Link or what have you. Appearing as the great hero's clone in terms of abilities, but this time as a hero. Not sure if I adequately explained myself in the description, but if he has an arm cannon, I have an arm cannon. If he can shoot fire, so can I. But I wouldn't know what he has until I actually knew what he had. And could only copy the at time of transformation version. Also feel free to pick a better name xD I'll admit Nark is growing on me, but I don't know if its good enough for a hero.