Dominic flicked through his copy of the script with little enthusiasm. Oh, the play was a good choice, being challenging enough to perform and politically charged enough to be considered a risk. It was just that it was a short play with only one location and so would require very little rewriting to fit the company's stage. Add on to that the lack of any music in the piece and the absence of background players and the coming weeks looked very empty for him. He'd end up sitting at the front of the stage with a copy of the script in his hand, ready to prompt anyone whose memory needed jogging while Art strode up and down amongst the players, crafting his perfect vision of the play with extravagant hand gestures a plenty. Still, what could one expect, it wasn't as though the [i]Abracadabra![/i] Company could choose the productions they put on with much flexibility or pickiness. They took what they could get and were grateful for it, especially in such reduced circumstances as they were currently suffering. And besides, there were worse fates to suffer than to spend the next few weeks watching Art and the others go to work. Great thespians the group might not be but no one could fault them for lack of effort or ability to multi-task. None of them would let things go while they still felt there was room to improve, staying on long past quitting time, or doing several jobs at once to maximise rehearsal time. Memorably, Noa and Billy had once rehearsed a scene while working on an unstable part of the stage, glancing at their scripts between hammering and speaking lines without dropping the nails inadvisably held in their mouths. He set the script down upon the piano, sat carefully down next to it and gave the battered old thing a gentle pat. When he noticed Art regarding him quizzically, he gave a subtle shrug and a small nod. The two had been working together for a fair few years now and the director knew that Dominic was more apt to suffer silently than allow his concerns to see the light of day. He was in the habit of checking on the other man, peeking behind the poker face, to make sure he was in on board with whatever the plan was. And, in almost all cases, Dominic was. As much as he liked to play the piano and to train the others through musical numbers, he trusted Art's judgement more than enough to go through a few tuneless weeks if the director decided it was the right path. [centre][color=F29700]▥[/color]▤[color=F29700]▥[/color]▤[color=F29700]▥[/color][/centre] Noa, meanwhile, looked up from his copy towards Art with a smile. Having not been much of a student of the arts in his youth and having been on the road for a long while, he couldn't rival the repertoire of scripts some of the others knew. It didn't make him feel useless though, just excited to see what would appear next. Behind his warm eyes, his mind was already running away with plans and calculations, what needed doing and how to do it. There were still those planks on the stage right that creaked and wobbled ominously when walked over, they'd need fixing. And a better lighting setup, the current one was on its last legs. And a matching set table of chairs would be nice for [i]An Inspector Calls[/i], to conjure up that look of the average family dining room. [i]First things first, however...[/i] [color=F29700]"Looks good big man, though probably not as good as you in a dress. Just one question;"[/color] and he turned to face the other figure towering over the company, Billy Halford. [color=F29700]"Are you going to let me have the part of the inspector or do I have to thumbwrestle you for it?"[/color]