[@The Irish Tree][@Ozerath][@NarcissisticPotato][@Skyrte][@Tojin][@PrimalOrigins] Hey you lot. It is, of course, pending [@Gowi]'s approval, but I'm prepared to write another post just to keep the momentumm going, even if it's nothing more than idle chatter. Of course my /preference/ is that some or all of you post something so I don't absolutely have to. <3 That will be about a week from Gowi's post, and I'd say expecting at least some sign of writing once a week isn't unreasonable. Even if "signs of writing" are more like "well I have half a post, just waiting on X" or something. Just so we know you're gonna be more prompt than our fearless DM. *shot* [sub]or me last time around[/sub] [@Xiro Zean][@Stern Algorithm] you two seem to be more or less on your own schedule, but I still encourage posting soon. <3