[hider=Zahny]Name: Zahny (Z-on-e) Zahn is his last name (he thinks) Age: 15 Appearance: Zahn looks like a human and a cat were in a compactor and he got spit out, He has all the qualities of a cat however he has all the joints of a human (e.i. He stands up straight and looks like a normal human in posture but he has the fur and facial features of a cat {and its tail for mid air balance} His coats color is a cosmic black with hints of purple and streaks of Gold that twist into crazy patterns all up and down his body.) He is super tall for his age with long, however not super skinny, almost healthy looking arms and legs, and standing a total of 6'1" Gender: Male Background: Zahn is very energetic and happy all the time, However he takes every bump in life as a challenge and when he fails he either he gets very pissed or super depressed. He thinks his name is Zahn because it is the only noise he could remember when he was rescued, thinking it must be his name some how it stuck. Zahn has been scraping by, by stealing food and the necessities for the longest time, fortunately being rescued by the orphanage. Since he has been at the orphanage he had worked a lot on his movement and agility keeping his thieving skills close at hand. When Fritz died Zahn went straight back to his thievery, providing for himself and others. Equipment: A small dual bladed dagger that he stole as well as a stash of throwing knives and (throwing) nails. All of which is of course stollen Level: 1 Attribute: Finesse Skills: Acrobatics, sleight of hand, incredible vision Affinity: Wind Gift: He can manipulate his magic to help him jump and move faster or quieter even in mid air. [/hider]