Luna had no idea what reaction she had had over Constance, yet perhaps it was time that the woman experience some of her own medicine. The woman had risen despite her bleak beginnings, and then turned her back on her roots. It was time someone treated Constance like nothing, like the woman had been doing to so many others. Constance did not seem to believe that she could have just as easily ended up as those in her former home, if she hadn’t taken a chance to get out. [i]there but for the grace of god go I[/i] was a saying Luna kept close to heart. She had had a lucky break. She knew what it meant and cherished it, even as she made sure to make those that were less fortunate than her had a little bit more. So Luna turned her attention fully to everything around her, still truly amazed by the view. As Collin directed his attention to Constance for a moment however, Luna glanced over, paused. She was sure there was something just a little off about Constance’s smile, and Luna figured the woman wasn’t none too pleased about having to meet [i]family[/i]. That was quite interesting, and Luna was sure that this would fascinating indeed. She didn’t linger too long on this, her attention diverted to the girl that held her bag, approaching her, more or less in the right way, pausing a moment, she suddenly understood something she hadn’t quite seen before. The girl was blind. Which might account for the way she seemed so timid, yet Luna was sure with just a little coaxing, there would be a bright, bubbling personality there. There often was, with those that were shy. Luna smiled, despite the fact that the girl couldn’t see it, Luna knew such things could be transported into tone, and she said quite genuinely, accepting the bag, her tone warm and inviting, [b]”Thank you, I would have been a little lost without it! I’m Luna, by the way”[/b] As they continued on their journey through the community, Luna was distracted once again by the views around them. The development was a little more advanced then Luna had expected, and she was sure that if they hadn’t made their way here, the people here would have eventually launched their own expedition, and perhaps would, still, with a little bit more knowledge of what was out there then they themselves had. That made Luna smile. She’d done what she’d wanted to do, by coming out there. She’d found [i]people[/i]. They’d found people. And where there was some….there had to be more out there. The world was bigger than it seemed, and Luna looked about with wonder, at what could fill it. As they were led to what soon turned out to be Holloway's, Luna didn't mistake the look Edward was given, nor the fact that she was overlooked. Which didn't mind Luna, it simply gave her a chance to knock another self centered "powerful" woman on her ass. [b]“Ah, yes, how nice to have met you, oh,, I’m sorry, was it rude to just speak up like that? Ah well, I assumed you didn’t see me”[/b] She said to the retreating form of the old woman, Luna shook her head, turning her back on Constance, and the older woman, [b]”lackings? ah, the black sheep of the family, then? I'm sure we'd get along just fine”[/b] She said, a little amused, before sighing, and looking to Edward, [b]”It seems so. Although perhaps it will give Constance the chance to see what she is like, and change her ways. Although I suppose that's like asking the sun not to rise”[/b] She looked over to Juliette, glad the girl hadn’t gotten lost along the way, and smiled again, deciding she may as well get acquainted with someone here, and Juliette seemed to need someone. [b]”So...Juliette, right? What do you do?”[/b]