Alvios didn't miss what Jenso was about to say, and sighed heavily. [color=mediumorchid]"...One of them wiped out my hometown. Nearly killed me, I got to watch as everyone else died. For awhile, it was why I traveled. Made myself stronger than I thought myself capable of. Still, though... Jenso, what I saw haunts me to this day. They aren't natural. Before you think about fighting them, maybe you should ask yourself if you [i]should."[/i][/color] Alvios gestured to the buildings and people around them as they walked. [color=mediumorchid]There's plenty more threats than the Order of Chaos to people. Sometimes it's better to just protect what's right in front of you than looking too far beyond the horizon. Like this town, for example. It's a real, tangible threat that endangers this place. Not some hidden, masked godlike beings."[/color]