Alvios' eyes narrowed, pointing his sword at Apollo. [color=mediumorchid]"You've been letting me sit here and defend this town nearly on my lonesome for weeks, while you've sat back doing paperwork while knowing full well where to go to end this? People have been [i]infested.[/i] People have [i]died.[/i] It's your fault that I had to kill Cilia!"[/color] Alvios looked to lower his sword, depression grabbing him. [color=mediumorchid]"All because of your greed and pride. If the city didn't need you to organize a few things, then I might just kill you here. Repentance through death."[/color] Before Apollo could react and relax to that statement though, he flicked his sword back up, slicing off one of Apollo's ears and sheathed his sword in one motion. [color=mediumorchid]"I hope you'll listen to pain's teachings at least. Let's go to the docks, Jenso."[/color]