[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=b8860b]Reginald Keystone[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/76ca11af5771405a055ca9291e9e4b2b/tumblr_nvhilyU39J1qcxymno4_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=b8860b][b]Location:[/b][/color] Grand Continental Hotel [/center][hr][hr] There was apparently the slightest of confusion concerning Reginald's motivations. He felt that perhaps he should clarify his position before they progressed any further with the evening or their fellowship. [color=b8860b]"Ah, yes... Madame, I believe in being at transparent with people as possible. I should hope that you feel the same; it is very important to me that you know from which angle of origin my thoughts lie. To that end, Miss ...ah... Clark, yes? Miss Clark, I'm afraid you misunderstand me."[/color] [color=b8860b]"I have no worry about your friend Elvsgaard conspiring against the Crown. The Crown, in this instance, is the Stick: The large, heavy tool one uses to rectify or collect retribution in a nemesis-like fashion. My concern is the safety and privacy of persons I particularly care about - persons whose safety and privacy have been openly threatened by the presence and continued inquisitorial nature of your [i]associate[/i], even following the obvious discomfort said dirt-digging was causing. This preventative measure ensures that, quite frankly, if he breathes a word of what he witnesses, suspects, or even engages his typewriter, if he so much as takes a note, The Crown has full right to seek restitution for espionage. I [i]refuse[/i] to have my family's private affairs aired for the purpose of selling periodicals, and I likewise absolutely [i]refuse[/i] to have my friend's life endangered for that same purpose, or any other to which they do not consent."[/color] [color=b8860b]"I am [i]implying[/i] nothing that should cause resentment. I am not subtle. I am stating it outright, madame. But there is a spot of good news, if you feel that he is being singled out: [i]All of you[/i] will be signing these papers, if you desire the protection of His Majesty's Armed Forces this evening. This most wholeheartedly includes you, Miss Clark. If you have continued difficulty with this concept, I have no ethical dilemma whatsoever returning to the Qsar El Nil Barracks with those whom I hold dear, and those who have (just this evening) earned my respect. The offer to the remainder of you is purely out of gentlemanly obligation. Or to put it more succinctly, as I understand you Yanks tend to prefer things in neat, simple to comprehend packages - [u]You don't have to come along[/u]. Neither of you. It may even head off unforeseen problems, for as you so rightly observed, [i]I hardly know either of you, seeing as we only just met[/i]. I can only trust my learned opinion, which at this hour is not as favorable as it could be."[/color] Reginald checked his pocketwatch. Snapping it closed, he concluded, [color=b8860b]"We shall depart in five minutes. You have within that time to convince me why I should bother the risk of either of you, madame. Consider very carefully."[/color] Perhaps it was the smile following Aziza breaking down into sobbing fear and running from the room. Perhaps it was the manner in which this ...actress... bobbed from gentleman to gentleman over the course of the evening. Or maybe it was the entitled manner in which she chose to attempt to order about people around her. Maybe it was the distinct sense that Reginald got that this young woman considered and carried herself as a social better, despite the questionable qualifications of being a societally uncontributing silver screen showperson. But the Lord Major had quite enough verbal sparring and attempted one-upmanship. Those were the terms. Period. Resent, rant, rave - it would change nothing. He had his people to protect, and the means to do so. Any threat from without or from within would be dealt with quickly and directly. These people now had a decision to make - Were they with the Lord Major, or should he cut them loose as a bad investment of his time and effort? Whatever the outcome, his patience for this posturing was at an end.