[hr][hr] [center][color=B0C4DE][h1]Riley Ridgeway[/h1][/color] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/8390c99afc24f4effd97eb7da3d5b84a/tumblr_mrhdkoXVc31rnldgeo1_500.gif[/img] [I]Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=B0C4DE]"Sounds great to me, my place or something then?"[/color] Riley asked looking at Amelia and gave her friend a soft smile, she remembered doing a few private performances back in the day for the sick and disabled before the outbreak for charity which she enjoyed doing back then giving back a little. She looked at Froggy as he was about to leave the party early, to relieve Medic from his duties. [color=B0C4DE]"Great seeing ya Frogs."[/color] Riley said as she waved him goodbye. Riley thought about offering her place in line for Raymond to get through, since he was disabled and all. She started to grab her plate putting the sides she wanted onto her plate, Riley looked at Amelia and gave her a soft smile and nod. [color=B0C4DE]"Scared of the dark and going it alone or something?"[/color] Riley asked Amelia teasingly as Riley grabbed a little bit more, onto her plate. Riley looked at Bryn for a moment as she watched her friend starting to leave the party with someone behind her, wondering what that was all about. Bryn probably ended up getting bored or something, at least that's what she thought what it was, and it wasn't really her business to find out. Riley looked over her shoulder at Chloe who was standing by she gave her a quick nod, and then over at Ryan as he was about to leave once he had gotten his food from James. She thought about just going over and hanging out with Chloe for a little bit tonight as well, just to hang out and talk. She moved down the line some more, she looked down seeing a wet spot on the floor and stepped over it so she wouldn't end up slipping over it. Riley lightly picked away at some of the food from her plate, she was pretty hungry. Then Riley heard a sudden loud yell and then a thud on the ground, she quickly turned seeing Ray laying flat on his back. Riley couldn't help but stifle a slight giggle at his accident, at least he wasn't holding anything sharp. But Riley did feel a little bit bad for the guy, he did just get humiliated in front of the whole crowd pretty much. Riley was about to kneel down and help him up, but Ryan had already beaten her to it, and Amelia as well grabbing his crutch that ended up sliding under the table. [color=B0C4DE]"You alright there Ray?"[/color] Riley asked him. [hr][hr] [center][color=cyan][h1]Kristina Smith[/h1][/color] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/degrassi/images/d/de/Fifi_eyes.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130416210101[/img] [i]Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)[/I] [/center] [hr][hr] Kristina was starting to get a little bit nosey trying to get a better look at what was in the bag that Tatiana had, then she pouted slightly looking at Tatiana and returned the gesture. [color=cyan]"Nothing for me?"[/color] Kris asked jokingly, she knew that it was most likely something for Jack. Kristina turned her attention towards Niesha and gave her a slight nod and smile, she quickly went and gave them both a friendly hug and kiss on the cheek to both of them. [color=cyan]"Don't get to loud tonight you two."[/color] Kristina said teasingly as she looked at her friend and nodded she was getting hungry. [color=cyan]"I'm ready when you are."[/color] Kris said softly as she started to get into line with the others, she started to grab her plate she looked over her shoulder as Kristina noticed Bryn starting to leave the party. She wasn't sure why though, Kristina looked back at Niesha as she handed her friend her plate. [color=cyan]"I wonder why Bryn is leaving?"[/color] Kristina asked Niesha, she noticed Ray, Riley and Amelia both of them had gotten in line as well to grab their food. Kris jumped slightly when she heard a scream and then a thud on the ground, looking down she saw Raymond had fallen onto the ground she was about to jump in and help him back up. But Ryan was already on top of it as he helped the guy back up. Kristina's eyes wondered over to the wet spot on the floor feeling bad he was now on the floor. [color=cyan]"Are you hurt?"[/color] Kristina asked sounding concerned for her friend. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightblue]Raymond Mendoza[/color][/h1] [img]http://img.pandawhale.com/39966-Robert-Downey-jr-laughing-gif-M5Bd.gif[/img] [i]Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Raymond started gathering his food onto the plate, he knew he couldn't hold another plate in his hand having to keep balance with a crutch and all is pretty hard anyway. Ray looked over at Tiffany and Beatrice as the two of them talked, he decided to put a little bit extra onto his plate so that Tiffany wouldn't have to get one herself. Ray listened in on Riley and Amelia's conversation as they started to grab their own food for themselves [color=lightblue]"Sorry man, guess you gotta be on your toes more a ninja walker might come and get ya."[/color] Ray said jokingly to Ryan as he nearly bumped into the Irish man, he didn't even notice the guy was in line before him. As Ryan walked away with his plate Ray gave him a slight friendly nod towards him. As Ray moved down the line he didn't even notice that there was a wet spot on the floor, his foot ended up slipping causing Ray to let out a yell in surprise. Ray laid there on his back completely dazed and slightly confused at what had just happened, he felt his plate of food spilled over his clothes. Raymond grumbled to himself feeling humiliated somewhat as Ryan came over and like some baseball umpire and yelling safe. Raymond reached out for Ryan's hand looking at the mess from the fall, at least it didn't land on anyone which was probably a good thing then Ray leaned on the table for support. [color=lightblue]"Might need a second leg to be a true ninja."[/color] Ray said sarcastically as he looked at Riley and then Kris as they both asked if he was alright. [color=lightblue]"I'm fine, aside from my clothes and pride."[/color] He said with a slight sigh, Amelia once handed him back his crutch. [color=lightblue]"Thanks."[/color] He said to her. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=f08080]Meghna Kumar[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcemv69Ck01rwt71l.gif[/img] [I]Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Meghna looked at Froggy and gave him a slight nod as she let him take Ciel off to get checked up at the infirmary, she gave him a friendly smile and wave to the two of them as they left. Meg looked around for a moment she saw her brother sitting with some others, she decided to go and grab herself a plate as well. But before that Meg started making her way over towards Tatiana and Jack to say hi and congratulate them as well. Meg started making her way across the room seeing her best friend once more as she saw him handing Jack a bag of some kind. [color=f08080]"You two look great together!"[/color] Meg said with a smile as she looked over she noticed Bryn starting to leave she was wondering why she was turning in so early. Meg then heard a yell and then a thud, she turned around as she saw Ray falling onto his back she was about to go over there and help out. But it seemed to be under control now as Ray was helped out by Ryan and Amelia letting out a slight sigh, hoping that he didn't hurt himself that he needed to go to the infirmary.