The huge Krogan snorted, rolling his head on his broad shoulders. Salissa was an oddity to him. She was tough like a Krogan, but had that very human qaulity of questioning everything. "Dwelling on what others 'think and say' is checking the fuel gauge of another ship when yours might be empty. Focus on what you perceive the galaxy as, human. Not as the other humans perceive it." He replied. Skarr crossed his powerful arms together. "I think the harshness of Tuchanka would have been good for you." He said. In fact he felt like such a planet would be good for all of the galaxy. It would teach them a thing or two of pain. He wasn't going to lie and say one shouldn't see planets beyond his home world. He traveled the majority of his long life and learned many things in his journeys. Unfortunately, a lot of what he learned in his travels was how inept others were at what they did. Though there were a few exceptions. He wasn't blinded by arrogance. The Galaxy had just gone soft, to his reckoning. "You seem like one that thrives in difficulty. It's why I haven't simply told you to shut up and walk away like I would most earthlings." With that, his massive head turned to see the approach of the human, Ellis, along with the crazed Asari and another one hopefully not as silly in nature. He shook his head. Well, it meant there was never a dull moment, at least. "If there's a space you want to arm wrestle, let me know. I'll start off slow. I've ripped an arm or two off before. Thankfully, they were humans who I was going to shoot anyway."