[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HEO9zzS.png[/img] [h2][color=f7941d]Royse[/color][/h2] [/center] [@YipeeXD][@Burthstone] Royse suddenly realised that she is on a place where she isn't supposed to be upon seeing a drunkyard drawing some makeshift map that took some moments for her to figure out. But, one year more and she is legal here. She wasn't expecting much still, so some curvy map would be good enough. She'd seen worse maps throughout her line of work, especially those from an enemy. She noticed another girl with a not so friendly gaze towards her, but she wasn't surprised by it since that look was rather common amongst the people she sees regularly. [color=f7941d]"Oh, thanks. Err... Uncle?"[/color] Royse took the map, awkwardly trying to be a bit more polite in her words towards Lazarus who looked pretty old to her. She walked out of the guild, now starting on her journey towards the city of Crocus, via the directions as followed from the map. [i]First is info gathering, from client then enemy...[/i] She began scribbling down the list of tasks viable for her on the side of the map. [color=f7941d]"And since slavers are bad guys, I can do anything to them ~"[/color] She muttered nonchalantly.