[b][center]Garret Rydel[/b][/center] Garret stared at the books Sasha had placed in his arms. Manga? He watched anime, but had never read manga. He didn't recognize the other two stories, but Inuyasha, he had seen on Animax. "Thank you, Sasha." Garret gave her a genuine smile, "I'll take care of them, promise." He added before tucking them safely into his shark bag. He'd make sure to keep it on his desk or put them in a drawer where Ashes couldn't touch them. The cat was curious little things, and when things smelled different, he always tried to check them out. He sat on the floor close to Sasha and they decided to play some cards. She seemed to believe in his skills and Garret couldn't help but smile nervously. It was new, the feeling of having someone he voluntarily decided to hang out with. They liked the same things and were both indoor people. It was great how similar they were, it was fun and it felt nice. It didn't matter that Sasha was a girl, what mattered was that he enjoyed her company. His dad had teased him a bit yesterday evening, but he hadn't minded that too. Garret took out his cards and stared at the pokemon. Charmander, Kabutops, Rapidash, Ditto. He would have named the other Pokemon, but Sasha started to explain. It seemed easy enough, she stated it clearly and he found himself nodding, eyes gleaming with curiosity and a bright smile stuck to his face. "I'll go for water types then." He pulled out a Wartortle card, then looked around his deck for a Goldeen and a Staryu. The boy placed down his prize cards then nodded eagerly at all the new information Sasha was giving him. They had a practice game and Sasha showed him the ropes. Surprisingly, the card game wasn't as complicated as he thought and after a game or two, he started getting the hang of it. Sasha's mother called them down for lunch afterwards and Garret thanked his friend for the game and his friend's mother for the meal. It was a nice day and so far he had been having a lot of fun, a lot more fun than he would have if he had decided to stay home with Ashes. Sasha asked if he wanted to walk around or watch TV, it was a nice and cloudy day and he could always watch TV at home, so hesitantly the boy went for going outside. "If it's alright with you," he rubbed the back of his head. "I'd like to look around outside. The weather looks nice. Maybe we can look at birds..." he paused, and realized how boring his idea sounded. He wasn't the most exciting kid out there. "Or, or, on second thought. What do you want to do Sasha?" Whatever she came up with, he was sure it would be great. Maybe they'd explore the neighborhood or maybe they'd run into a friendly dog. The possibilities were almost endless and Garret was glad, the mystery of what they were going to do next interested him. [center][b]Amity Averin[/b][/center] This was it. This was war! The flashing lights, the aliens, and the thrill of the game made her giddy with excitement and in rush of everything, she quickly got separated from Devon. Ah, it didn't matter. She'd meet up with him later, she just had to remember G6. They were in a team and she was happy, this would be fun. The girl's own number was G2, and she ran through the arena, making sure to look right and left before she entered areas without any cover. The girl ducked behind a table and one of the members from the red team ran past without noticing her. It was a young boy, with his eyes focused on one of the aliens and nothing else. He was sitting duck! Ami grinned deviously, and hopped out of her hiding spot, guns drawn. "What's up?" She called out cheerily, and there was no mistaking the triumph and excitement in her voice. "H-Huh?" The boy spun around eyes wide and the moment he did, Amity pulled the trigger, a smile plastered onto her face. She managed to hit him in the shoulder, he raised his gun, but before he could strike back, Ami shot him in the stomach, killing the lights. He was dead for this round. Ami turned her attention to the alien, shot it, gave the other boy a wave then dove into one of the empty, tubes. She could hear footsteps, so she decided to wait it out. Laughter and cheers echoed through the arena before the sound of footsteps grew faint. As soon as the laughter died, she crawled out of her hiding spot and dashed across the room, taking a sharp turn around one of the corners. Ami skidded to a stop right in front of someone and instantly, out of reflex, drew her weapon. It took a moment for her to recognize the person she was aiming at, but when she realized who it was she smiled. "Oh, Devie, you threw me off guard for a moment." She inched closer towards him and pressed herself against the wall. Getting caught wasn't on her list of things do to. Soon there was a cheer from just around the corner and Ami stuck her head out and gave her surroundings a quick glance. There were two members from the red team patrolling the area, she pressed her back against the wall as quickly and as silently as she could. "Two people from team red," she whispered before an idea came to her. "Hey, hey, Devie? Wanna take them on? I bet we could." She was eager. "I can go distract them, you'll need to watch my back though." The girl hopped out from behind the walls and clapped to get their attention then made her way towards the nearest tubes, ready to dive for cover. One of the boys from the red read turned to his friend. "Green spoted!" He called out as he began to aim, but Ami ran left and right only to disappear behind one of the tubes. "Go Devie," she had yelled as she leaped in one end and ran out the over. She used the tube as cover and aimed at the second boy who hadn't gone after her. The first boy spun around, shocked to see Devon right there. Had they been ambushed? He stared at the grinning girl then at the boy behind him, the answer was most likely a yes.