Alvios looked down the five paths, trying to look for any clue that one of them had something indicating which one led them to... well, wherever the Swarm nested he supposed. He wasn't really quite sure of the plan at this point. The idea was to come down here and just kill everything really. He hadn't really thought about [i]what[/i] they might find. [color=mediumorchid]"We'll split up. Walk for about ten minutes in one direction or until one of us finds something, then we'll come back here and see if we've found anything. If not, we try two more paths, same idea. If we've found something, then we'll be able to meet up back here. If we've found nothing after ten minutes in any one path, it just means we'll have to try again going deeper."[/color] Alvios drew his blade, stepping towards the entrance of one of the paths, before pausing and looking back at Jenso. [color=mediumorchid]"A word of warning. The Swarm can infest people. Slowly takes over their mind, then their body. I've seen it happen before. They usually try to do it to women, and just kill men. I'm not sure why. Still, it doesn't matter who you see down here, if it isn't me, it's best you put them out of their misery."[/color] Alvios turned back towards the path he had chosen, grip tightening on his blade.