Jenso frowned as the group of infested people stood before them. [color=f26522]"Maybe we can handle this without killing them.."[/color] Jenso said to Alvios, creating a flame whip in his hands. He threw the whip towards one of the people before him, aiming to wrap the whip around his waist. Jenso dashed around the group afterwards while still holding the whip, aiming to dash around the group in circles rapidly while trying to wrap the whip around the people at the outer ring of the group. He then clenched the palm of his left hand shut, and the whip would start getting more tighter and tighter, while the flames didn't seem to burn or hut the zombies at all. It would keep pulling tighter until the entire group was tied up succesfully, and remain strong as it would stop getting tighter to avoid crushing their bones.