As the door opened, Reagan looked up to see who it was coming through the door. She could hear footsteps coming towards her and sighed a bit in relief when it was Ryan walking towards her. No words came out of her at first, not wanting to startling him. He quickly noticed that she was sitting in the arm chair and began to walk over towards her. She quickly looked at his arm that was missing his hand and sighed, knowing that he lost so much already in that battle and now he had more scars to add to his body but to her, he was still the most handsome man she ever met. A small blush entered her cheeks as he called her his sweet. She enjoyed little moments like that that took her breath away. “I’m alright. And it’s alright. It did scare me but you are here and that’s all that matters.” She said as she continued to read a little bit. She could tell that he was curious as to why she was all of a sudden interested in elementals when she had made it very clear a few weeks earlier that she didn’t even want to be an elemental let alone know what they were all about. She smirked a little when he mentioned them being in school. “You’re right. I did read a lot. I’m just shocked you remembered me at all while we were in school.” She said as she put one of the books down and picked up another one. Her heart began to race as he began to question her about why she was reading about them. She was caught red handed and she needed to confess to what she heard. Even though she didn’t want him to think that she was eavesdropping, since she was only walking by when she heard a bit of what Omni had said. She looked over at him slowly and could tell that he wanted to tell her what was going on but was fishing to see what she knew already. She sighed and closed the book and put it down on the stack. “I do feel different but I couldn’t tell you how. I feel stronger, as if I can lift a thousand pounds in a single lift. I thought it was because I was finally back in my body and being somewhat dead made me stronger but then I also heard what Omni told you when I was walking by your room. I wasn’t eavesdropping. I was checking in on you and I heard him and panicked and came here. I figured that if I’m eventually going to be one, I have to know everything.” She said honestly. She leaned back on the chair with her head down.