[center][h1]~ Chapter 113 ~[/h1] [sub]General... Bug man?[/sub][/center] Jenso and Alvios proceeded deeper into the cavern, past the guards. It seemed that this pathway lead deeper underground, past where the crystals ended, and a thick, dark brown set of walls began. The tunnel smoothed out, and the temperature began to rise. There were still crystals lining the walls of the tunnel, however, every few feet. They glowed an eerie purple hue, and lit the tunnel. Finally, after quite a trek, they reached a massive room with a huge crevice that lead into the earth's crust. A bubbling noise sounded from withing the trench at the end of the room that divided a raised platform, where a woman's body was positioning, locked in place by crystal handcuffs. The majority of the room was flat, rough stone. Moments after they entered, something dropped from the ceiling. Something [i]humanoid.[/i] It stood up tall, standing 8 feet in height and wielding what looked like a bio-organic pair of blades. It hissed at Jenso and Alvios, coated in thick, crystal armour. Its skull was elongated, and lined with 6 eyes, 3 on each side, with a large maw that was lined with teeth. "Ssssso you've come at last," It hissed, referring to Alvios, "Even through the ASsssimilated Sssssisters. You know no MerSsssy, AlvioSsss.."