Karn flicked her feline ears and gave a innocent grin, shrugging as her fluffy tail flicked back and forth with amusement. [b]"My my my, guess you caught me like a [u][i]dear[/i][/u] in a flash spell."[/b] she snickered softly. [b]"And hey, I'm your senior here so I can call all of ya'll dear."[/color] she smirked, giving a hearty laugh. Her ears perked as the others went to check on 'her highness' and gave a little grunt, ears twitching and tail flicking and thumping about in mild annoyance. She'd let them handle her though, just meant she didn't have to exactly deal with her. As long as they get the job done, it's all she cares about. [b]"Mhmm Treno is the first stop mhm? Could pick up some supplies. Maybe gamble a little."[/b] Karn grinned.