[quote=@catchamber] Also, there are only 4 forum-wide mods, one of which *cough*[@Kangaroo]*cough* has been inactive for 5 months? If you think a 3 person team can regulate the behavior of 100+ people on a daily basis, you need a reality check. [/quote] Well that's also a good point... [quote=@Inkarnate] I have done the same thing. If the RP fits a direction I oppose, I will discuss it but if I come to a conclusion where I am not going to enjoy myself I am going to respectfully leave and move on. It is a legitimate thing to do. [/quote] I don't necessarily disagree with that. I mean if you aren't enjoying something, then I guess there's no point. I just feel like people will leave for the dumbest reasons, maybe not any specific reason at all. And the GM's don't have a way to handle it, a lot of time. Precisely why most of my RP's are as bloodthirsty as they are. Having a character vanish from your RP in the middle of the plot. And the GM and players only action is. "Well that character is ret-conned, onto more meandering." The RP does sort of become a very very bad book at that point. Especially if the posts are extremely wordy and lengthy on top of that.