[quote=@Sergei Romanov] Actually I kind of figured that, I wasn't like 100 percent sure but from reading your post between the lines its not something that you find yourself proud of for lack of better wording. Ah well like Iv always said First impressions are a real b****. Thats no lie either im terrible at them xD [/quote] Yeah, she'll deal, in time. It's just a lot to have thrown at you at once: "Hi! You're a Slayer, that's both really cool, and kind of horrifying." The cost of your power source coming from demons and dark arts, was my thinking. She doesn't know that, of course, but on some sort of primal level I think she knows her power isn't some heavenly thing, let's just say. Like the post said: she views herself as the monster that keeps the other monsters from the door. But at school, she's just Emy. Not the Slayer. She hasn't accepted the duality at play, so in her mind it's very much two different people. And it's a bit much to come face to face with people who know the worst part of that other face. Even if you did save their bacon, they still saw you torture, and kill, and enjoy it.