Casey had already made up his mind that this new girl was a clear white hat. She saved their collective asses and killed vampires, and if she was one of the bad guys she probably wouldn’t have done either. What she was or where her power came from seemed less important than the issue of twenty to thirty vampires setting a trap to kill them. It seemed like it made sense to try and find this new warrior and add her to their team. “Are we even sure we can trust the librarian? I mean I can’t be the only one who finds him super fucking suspicious.” Casey thought about what Adam had said. Of course, he already knew the answers to the questions the rest of them had, and of course he was sharing the smallest bits of information. Adam stopped in mid-sentence to check his phone. “Adam, do you think that maybe this discussion on how we all were almost killed by a huge group of vampires working as a group might be a bit more important that business deals. You can’t make deals if you get ganked.” He said teasing Adam who was totally absorbed with his phone. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a large group of them working together. Maybe we finally pissed off some big daddy vamp who can get the rest organized. I know we’re pretty small time but that trap had to be for us. I think the safest thing we could do would be to track down this Chosen One and join forces.” “And, dude, the 90’s chosen one thing sounds totally awesome, there’s a reason why it’s a classic, though I hope she’s not a brooding superhero, it was bad enough to sit through the last few DC movies I don’t think I could live one.” Casey replied to Danny after a slight chuckle at his rehash of Adam’s explanation. He raised an eyebrow at Dana who was already talking about wanting to fight the slayer. “Aw, Dana, I think we should put you in charge of the welcoming committee.” He teased, though from Dana an ‘I want to street fight you’ was probably a major complement.