[quote=@Ruby] Out of a seven period (45~ minutes each) class schedule, four are "core classes"--math, science, English, history, government, whatever. Three are electives. Emy has the two shop classes because (you hit the "nail" on the head) she wants to be able to make (customize) her own weapons. Her third elective is the 1st period "free period" where she doesn't have a class. [/quote] Thanks for explaining that XD We don't have any core classes here, everything in the last two years of school is elective. Which is awesome, means I never had to open a physics textbook again after 16. My character would be taking those shop classes, and one other thing that seemed like an easy option. Maybe computer studies, because when no one's looking he can just go online and look at Imgur. If you're up for it, Emy and he could have a conversation some time about how to balance the weirdness of having unasked for supernatural powers with having a regular daylight life. Academics say that duality is the means through which humankind can understand God, but it's probably just going to piss teenagers off and make them wish things could be as simple as it is for everyone else. Even if it does mean you can throw people through windows when they annoy you.