[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s29.postimg.org/3vyuyqcjb/virginia2.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff]Location:[/color] Almack's[/center][hr][hr]Virginia raised an eyebrow at Mosi's rage, but she found her friend had reason. Still, it would be a shame. Undertakers could use the bit of business from burying a lord, as the families tended to pay quite a pretty penny. But seeing that her friend was in accord with her, Virginia glanced in the direction of Millicent and her new fiancé, feeling disgusted on Millicent's behalf. Her gaze then drifted to the scowling and upset women. But her thoughts, before they could even form, were interrupted as she spotted Millicent's sisters. Those two were ultimately all that could be dealt with. If they removed Lord Rutherford from this realm, Millicent would sacrifice for them once more. They would need a more permanent and practical solution than murder. [color=9999ff]"We remove Lord Rutherford, yes,"[/color] Virginia said, her voice quiet enough for only Mosi to hear. [color=9999ff]"Yet unless Jane and Emma are wed to men of good character, Millicent will not cease her self-sacrifice. It is the way with her."[/color] She thought for a moment. Perhaps she could find men of suitable morals and put pressure on them to court the Wyndham sisters. She would reach out to extended cousins, yet she had a feeling that a Crypt was not whom Millicent had in mind for her sisters. [color=9999ff]"Inform your parents that you have been invited to the estate this evening,"[/color] Virginia instructed. [color=9999ff]"Alfred is likely to be quite helpful in our plans. If we should care to contact outside parties...or perhaps settle this for ourselves. It is a family matter, after all."[/color] [hr][hr][center][img]https://s8.postimg.org/nvq4ksl7p/maeve.png[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/695caaabc5d1350cd062ed8616710b54/tumblr_omszcmzsOx1w3nwrko3_250.gif[/img][hr][color=ff6600]Location:[/color] Port Annan[/center][hr][hr]It had been several days since Maeve had left Dublin. She had left the Brennans behind for a moment, her darling Roisin's cheeks stained with tears. Finnian had had to hold her back, with the child screaming and crying at the top of her lungs. Poor thing didn't even known the fuss she was making, as her mother signed to her farewell. Her eldest brother in law, Seamus, merely nodded at her as she left. Needless to say, he didn't approve of it, seeing the task as a dangerous gamble, one liable to get Maeve killed. But she was doing it for little Roisin. Throughout the exhausting and excruciating trip to Scotland, where she slipped under the cover of a new identity -- Neasa O'Connor -- and left her life behind, it was the thought of her daughter that kept her going. Even if she was killed, little Roisin, her little rose, would be safe. Finnian, Seamus, and Mary-Clare would look after her, ensure that she was raised good and proper. They had given their word to protect the littlest Brennan, especially with the uptick in Soulless in the country. Pinching her nose slightly to keep a headache at bay, Maeve hardly felt human by the time she descended from the boat. But cheap passage was cheap passage--couldn't expect much more than that. Tucking her overcoat around her a little more, Maeve glanced into the lantern lit streets. Her contact was supposed to be meeting her there, in order to escort her. She hadn't the faintest clue of the streets and workings of Scotland, being an Irish girl born and bred. An escort was quite welcome. Eventually, Maeve smiled a bit as she spotted a chap who looked a bit out of place. That'd be him then. Calum Cumming. Making her way over to him, Maeve nodded at the apparent parson, a slight bit of nerves flaring up. She'd usually been the front, the look-out, to any Brennan activities. A bit of nerves was good--it'd keep her safe. [color=ff6600]"Evenin',"[/color] Maeve greeted, her Irish accent coming out.