[center][h1][color=#17202A]இ[/color][color=#D11616]L[/color][color=#BA1313]u[/color][color=#A41010]n[/color][color=#8D0D0D]a[/color] [color=#590707]R[/color][color=#3B0505]e[/color][color=#1D0202]n[/color][color=#17202A]இ[/color][/h1][/center] [b]"I refuse to back down to bullshit. If you're going to start, you better be fucking ready to rumble!"[/b] [hr] [center][img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/answers/2102000/2102217_1319418106073.93res_373_297.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=#17202A]இBasic Informationஇ[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [color=#17202A]Name:[/color] Luna Ren [color=#17202A]Age:[/color]Looks 18 [color=#17202A]Gender:[/color] Female [color=#17202A]Species:[/color]Dark Wolf [color=#17202A]Relationship:[/color]: Sojiro Sasaki [color=#17202A]Birthday:[/color] December 8th [color=#17202A]Zodiac Sign:[/color]Sagittarius [color=17202A]Personality:[/color] Some say Luna shows many different traits in her personality depending on the people she is with. If she is with someone she loves dearly, like family, she can be sweet and loving, ill tempered if they annoy her like normal family would. If she is with someone she hates with a passion or slightly hates she can be a sarcastic woman with a huge temper if one wearing word is said to her. When she is with someone she fear, she loses all temper and become a very submissive and quiet to keep herself save from harm, even if it don't always work. But one thing is for sure is that she is protective of anyone she holds close to her dearly and protective for herself whenever she is surrounded by people who scare her. [center][h1][color=#17202A]இBiographyஇ[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Most of Luna Ren's life, she grew up in the Northern Ward part of Edo, Japan. Her father, Akito Ren, though rich, lived his life as a Constable under many lords who took over the Northern Ward and who knew of their family secret. When Luna was a teenager, she was brutally raped one night during a party by her long time boyfriend Akio Newborn after she repeatedly told him she didn't want to have sex until she was sure he was the one of her. After that night, she hoped she would never have to see him again after he was banished from all of Edo. After what seemed like everything was getting back to normal fr Luna, it seemed to be crumbling all over again as her brothers and younger sister moved to be with other relatives, her older twin sister's health started to deteriorate in a very bad way. Luna did her best to help care for her sick sister along side her mother and often her father who spent most of his free time home. A couple years after her sister began to get sick, Akito and Miho's Ren behavior began to change. They made sure their doors and windows were locked up before they went to bed and was always looking behind their backs. Luna and her sister was of course confused by this, but never questioned it when suddenly one night, after a fun day of being able to play in their yard, there was banging at the door. Luna and Kokoro were rushed down into a secret compartment underneath the floor boards, where they basically witness their parents being accused of smuggling by Lord Tori, the lord of the North Ward. Once they were sure that the men who killed their parents were gone, they rushed out of the house landing in the South Ward part of Edo. As they sat in the alley way, trying to digest what just happened, they witness another murder take place by a couple figures dressed in all black. It didn't take long for Luna and Kokoro to find out that the rumor about the vigilantes were true after rushing away from the scene. They went to the shrine and said their request before they were kidnapped by an unknown figure Luna earned was named Kinshiro. Luna was not only said her request out loud, but was offered to basically kill Tori himself. Luna agreed to the terms as well as Kokoro, though it was painfully obvious Kokoro would unable to do it like Luna could. After a month, she began to fall for the South Ward constable, Soji and even admitted that she wasnt a virgin sadly during a festival after losing track of their entire group, but ended up confessing her feelings which was happily accepted. Unfortunately though, not long after that, Luna's best friebd Slash, had found them and told them that they had to come with him to reunite with family who had found out about their parents murder. Luna and Kokoro left the next day after getting the chance to say goodbye. Luna was even back for a few months before she saw the person she didn't want to ever see again, but instead of turning away, she was told that she could help him smuggle in return for her sister's medication to help her live and Luna reluctantly agreed, but she wasn't alone, her best friend Slash also agreed to help. From that day, they began one of the infamous gangs, The Ravens. For a couple years, Luna not only suffered through abusive situations from Akio and alot of the gang members, but trying not to be found out from her family and whoever was trying to track them all down and killing them. She only hoped that she could have salvation while she fights for the life of her dying sister, but to finally get the help for her suicidal thoughts and her negative addictions [center][h1][color=#17202A]இRelationshipஇ[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [color=#1720A]Family[/color] (Age-Oldest to Youngest) Akito Ren-Father (deceased) Kaito Taki-Uncle (Deceased) Emiko Taki- Aunt (Deceased) Miho Ren-Mother (Deceased) Hiji Taki-Oldest Cousin Raynes Taki-Older Cousin Josh Taki-Older cousin Kokoro Ren-Older, twin sister Yomi Ren- Younger Brother Tyrain-Youngest Brother Mailyn-Youngest Sister Akira Taki-Youngest Cousin [color=#1729A]Friends[/color] Casey James Fear- Family friend Paris Fear-Family Friend Kurdesh- Friend Colette- Friend Slash- Best Friend Keri-Unknown Angel- friend Eliza-frienemy Sophie-Friend Oko-Accqiuances Yui- Friend Hex-Friend