[center][h1][color=#B22222]K[/color][color=#AA2020]e[/color][color=#A21F1F]r[/color][color=#9B1D1D]i[/color] [color=#8C1A1A]W[/color][color=#841919]o[/color][color=#7D1717]l[/color][color=#751616]f[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [b]"For once my mind is crystal clear. I know what I must do no matter the outcome, so please stay out of my way."[/b] [center][h1][b]Basic Information[/b][/h1][/center] Appearance:[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/215996893006659584/246492833505214465/IMG_0284.JPG[/img] Eye Color: Vampire Mode-Red/Soul Reaper Mode-Blue Species: Vampiric Spirit Demon => Soul Reaper Age: Human-15 Vampire-Unknown Birthday: April 1 Zodiac Sign: Aries Parents: Casey James Paris and Kinshori Personality: Keri is a rather unique individual all on her own though when she's around her twin sister, Kudesh, her personality seems to change almost instantly. The woman doesn't mind keeping a secret from people who she knows will reject her actions. And most time this ends up back firing in the vampire's face most days. The young woman act childish around her mother, granted this is mainly due to what happened about 8 years ago, though she isn't one to usually complain. When around strangers the woman is cold, mainly due to what their village leader did to the twins at a very young age. The vampire has suicidal tendencies as well as being insane due to something she had done to keep someone very important alive though its been years since they seen each other. Recently her health has turned for the worst and only her cousin and her familiar know why. Weapon: Soul Reaper Form-[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/224038393405767680/305857729480884224/image.jpg[/img] Human while using ice and snow power-[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/224038393405767680/305857717539700737/image.jpg[/img] Ninja Outfit: [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/224038393405767680/305857754856161280/image.jpg[/img] [center][h1][b]Biograph[/b][/h1][/center] Keri grew up in a small quiet village with her father, twin, and mother. Caster was a well respected ninja, who took training very seriously, despite his fragile health. Everything was perfect until one day a complete stranger come into their village. At first everyone though this new man was another assassin that was marrying one of the single women there and in a sense he was but everything subtly changed in their home, and not for the better. The twins were separated from their mother after they were old enough to eat solid foods as the man requested of all future generations. At the age of 5 they were introduced to brutal training which left small scars on their bodies though neither of them complained. Eventually the two of them noticed an extreme difference in their father's behavior. The man would either avoid them completely or he would hit Keri just to prove some short of point that neither of them understood. The girls had a feeling that it had something to do with the man who came to their village. When they went to confront them he said that it was a false accusation and that they should respect their leader's thoughts and actions even if they disagreed. They knew that the man was lying but there wasn't anything they could do. Years passed and their father's actions worsen over time. Being the oldest of the two, Keri would stand up ad take all the blame, and most times Kurdesh could live without any pain for the rest of the day. But sometimes Cast would harm the youngest and claim that they were spreading lies about being his daughters. At the age of 15 they excelled all the other ninja conduits in their home. Hawk was the one to tell them they were going to live somewhere else. Become something much better than the useless humans that lived here. That night Caster had pulled the girls aside claiming if they came back alive he would agree that they were really his and treat them much better. The two don't like talking about what happened after leaving their home. Let alone how their village burned to the ground. All they knew was that they were monsters created to destroy all living this around them. This though lead them to stay constantly moving from village to village. When they arrived at Edo they found a group of assassins to join and stay there for several years though when another set of twins came everything seemed to crumble around them. At some point Keri found out that one of them was deathly ill and might not made it another year. She got ahold of her cousin and the two secretly made the girl drink a tea made from a rare flower that was said to heal any illness. This was also the time Casey appeared back into her daughter's lives. Keri had gone with their mother and her sister stayed with their real father. Eventually when her health began to decline the woman completely vanished without any trace. When the woman sis resurface she was Boston's famous killer, making staying there much harder, so once again she vanished without a trace. Now and days no one knows if she's alive or dead in a ditch but this question will be answered very soon. Speech Color: [color=#B22222]#B22222[/color]